7 Things to Remember when People are Mean to You

When others are mean, it can get us feeling low, sad, inferior and even depressed.  No, here are 7 things you must remember, when people are mean to you.  

when people are mean to you
Everything has beauty but not everyone sees it

1.  If they bring up your past, it is because you are shining in your present and your future is bright.

2.  If they try to put you down, it because you are high and mighty.

3.  If they throw stones at you, just pick them up and build a mansion!

4.  If they make you feel like you don’t fit in, it is because you are unique and stand out.

5.  If they say no to you, it means New Opportunity.

6.  If they give you a hard time and put you under unnecessary pressure, it is because they are making the charcoal in you become a diamond.

7.  If they laugh at you because they are ahead of you, it is because you are a Rolls Royce which takes longer to build than the bicycle in them.

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