We cannot ignore Suicide

September is National Suicide Awareness Month in some countries.   If we ignore something, especially difficult and somber subjects like suicide, it is not going to go away. We cannot hide away the fact that suicide is happening around us. We cannot choose to ignore the statistics in the hope that things will just get better on their own.

we cannot ignore suicide

World Suicide Prevention Day occurs on the 10th of September every year and is organised by International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP). The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of suicide so that suicide can be prevented. Reaching Out and Saving Lives is the theme of this year’s World Suicide Prevention Day for 2015.

Suicide is complex. It usually occurs gradually, progressing from suicidal thoughts, to planning, to attempting suicide and finally dying by suicide. Source: International Association for Suicide Prevention

Suicide is devastating. Each suicide death affects 6 other people. I know someone, a teenager like myself at the time, who died by suicide. It was puzzling for me to comprehend at the time. When I look back in hindsight, I can only begin to imagine the pain of my classmate that led him to die so tragically, and also the pain of the ones he left behind. Only one word can describe it all, Devastation, with a capital ‘D’!

World Health Organisation (WHO) says:

* over 800,000 die due to suicide every year

* It was the 15th leading cause of death in 2012

* Has increased by 60% in the last 45 years

* Mental health disorders particularly depression and substance abuse are associated with 90% of all suicide cases. 

* Youth suicide is increasing at the highest rate. CDC says in the USA that suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death among teenagers. 

* 75% of suicides in the UK are men.

It is said 1 in 5 people have suicidal thoughts at some point in their lives. This means there is someone in your office, your neighbourhood, somewhere that is struggling with these thoughts? Awareness saves lives. Awareness prevents this tragedy, the devastation, from taking place.

For more statistics on suicide in the UK, please read this.

If you or someone you know is feeling suicidal, do not delay. Know the risks. It is said isolation increases the risks. 

Contact someone today, a helpline, your pastor or counsellor, a trusted friend, that can help you or your friend . Calling the Samaritans for example, saved the life of one man we interviewed recently, who is today an ardent mental health advocate. Know what to do in an emergency. It may be a stranger that may need your help one day. Would you be in a position to save their life?

There is something we can all do. Let’s promote awareness of suicide today. Let us reach out and save lives. Please share this post on your social networks.

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