How to Ease Life’s Pressures

Pressures can cause stress.  There is so much of stress around these days.  Even young children are said to be stressed.  So how can be become less so?

One way to reduce stress is by reducing life’s pressures.  When you think of it, sometimes all we do is to simplify a few things.  Because why are we more stressed than our grandparents and greats?  They had less conveniences than we did, yet they seem to have just sailed through life better than the experts are telling us we are faring these days.


#1 Rome is not always built in a day

We have heard the phrase that Rome was not built in a day.  That is true.  Some things take time.  But with advancement in technology and so on, things are happening quicker.  Hence my edited adage -> Rome is not always built in a day.

Some things just won’t happen as fast as we want them to, unless with divine intervention.  Some things are not meant to happen quickly.  The Bible tells us for example, there was a quick route that God could have led the children of Israel when they left Egypt, but chose a longer route of them.  Why?  Simply because they would not be mature to deal with the challenges of the quick route.

So as much as you see ads like Learn to speak a foreign language fluently in 7 days, that may just not be quite right, unless supernatural :-).    

If you lost 100 pounds of weight in a week, it is likely you would pile it back on as quickly as you lost it.  Besides it may not be a good thing for your health.

#2  Do not be hard on yourself!

Pressure is necessary for progress in life.  If you don’t put pressure to the car pedal, that car is going nowhere.  We need pressure to move forward.  However, there are times when we put ourselves under such excessive pressure.  

Think of blood pressure.  There is a healthy blood pressure that is required.  But when the pressure gets too high, it becomes quite precarious!  I say that to illustrate how we can put pressure on ourselves too much that it begins to affect us negatively in many ways – relationships, physical mental and emotional well being, and much more.  

Know when to say NO.
Know when to ask for help!  (I wrote a fascinating post on why we do NOT like asking for help.  Make sure you read it)
Know when you need a break.  (Even if it is a short one)
Give yourself CREDIT!

#3  The race is not for the swift neither the battle for the strong

When a little girl, my mother would often say the race is not for the swift, nor the battle for the strong.  I did not know she was quoting a Bible scripture, neither did I understand what exactly it meant, but the context in which it was used always brought me comfort. 

Experts may try to tell you where you should be by a certain age.  You are still living at home with your parents at 34?  Tot tot, the experts say.  You should have bought your first pad, in fact, you should be on the second rung of the housing ladder.  You should be settled or thinking of settling because that is about the average age.  You should be this, you should be that!

The result of that expert talk…pressure.  Stress.  

One thing you must remember, we are running a different race.  If I started racing someone on the road, it would be pointless because we are probably heading for different destinations.  

That is the same with life.  Yes, it is good to have guidelines, but we cannot set our lives by them because our individual paths are different.  This is why you must know your purpose, plan for it and stick to it.  That way you can ease life’s pressures


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