Your mind is the most powerful tool you have.  I come across a lot of short sentences of advice with “mind”.   Paying attention is very important in life. “Mind how you go”.  “Mind the gap”…

Here is a new one for you…Mind your way.

mind your way

The mind is the seat of creativity.  Creative power is in our imagination.  It is amazing to realise the amount of things that would not be in existence today without the imagination of someone. From aircraft to zylophones, it’s awesome what men have created from inspiration triggered by their environment. This is why ‘mind management’ is so key.

When our minds are sound, we find ourselves going the right way.  Often, people who have ‘lost their mind’, seem to have lost their way too.  They can be seen wandering around somewhat aimlessly.

With mind management, there is also a bit on the subject of time, which I will touch on briefly today…

Time is something that is finite; we all have the same of every day.  How we allocate time determines our success in life.   There are always demands on your time.  I have come across children who have been taught less than others their age because of their attention span.   This shows that once again, mind management is important.  Managing competing demands on my time when I was mentally ill, was an uphill task.  When one is challenged with mental illness, it is amazing how the passage of time quickly blurs.

Improving my communication skills helped in no small measure to get me out of that situation.

Here are a few tips I picked up on how I got to mind my way 🙂 :

###1 Always listen to the end

A part message can be substantially different from the full message. Zoe always kept reminding me we get rewarded for a job well done – not just for doing the job. The right result is always the most important thing.

###2 Self-awareness

No one can see themselves except with a mirror. This makes self-awareness even more of a challenge. Receiving constant feedback from Zoe on how I came across propelled me into concerted action to ensure what I communicated was exactly what I meant to.

###3 Mind your body language

Research has it that our emotions show up immediately in our bodies and later in our conscious mind. When you are feeling discouraged, defeated, or any other significant negative emotion, your body will show it before you’re conscious of it.

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