Money saving tips you never thought about

When I met Chuck I told him that I had no financial skeletons in my closet.  I had no debts, loans, or any balances on my credit cards. 

If I used a credit card, my plan was to pay it off as quickly and painlessly as possible.  Even back then, I had made a few short, medium and even long term investments too.  I had even saved some money for my wedding years before I met Chuck!  

Money saving tips

Back then, I read a lot on money management, still do!  I took opportunities to talk to financial advisers when possible, and also learnt from others, rich and poor; the latter, to learn from their mistakes.  I had learnt to save from a child as my dad had got my brother and I into good financial management from an early age, and opened even child accounts for us.   So I found saving for projects pretty easy.

Here are some money saving tips I have discovered and learnt along the way:

##1  Use your coupons and find deals

I have a friend who does not hide the fact, not in a show off way though, that she earns the ‘wonger’, aka money!  She is among one of the sensible and frugal people I know when it comes to money.  She uses her coupons, cuts them out of newspapers or magazines she buys, find deals on internet and apps and uses them.  And why not.  If they are there to be used, use them. 

Sign up for airmiles.  Yep!  Chuck and I have been away a few times and only paid a fraction of the fare because of our airmiles.  It means less cost or more spending money.  Make your pick. 

The rich don’t just spend money because they have it…you better believe it.  Ask the CEO of your company, if you don’t believe me.

##2 Cut back on takeaways and eating out

The fact is we spend a LOT of money on eating out and on takeaways.   Think about how much you spend each time you go to a restaurant, even a cheap one.  Multiply that by the number of times you eat out.  It soon adds up.   

Of course, now and again we should treat ourselves.  However, if the treat becomes a common habit, you will end up with common money issues. 

Why not add some treat foods to your weekly shopping instead.  After all, our cravings only last a moment on our lips and a long time with our bank account! 

Besides, think how much healthier you would be too.

##3  Cut back on snacks

Now, you may be thinking I have taken this too far.  But think about how much percentage of your shopping bill is attributed to snacks!  You will be surprised how much a packet of biscuits (cookies) or crisps (chips) add up!  Even cartoon juices and soft drinks (soda) all add up.  Again, make these a treat rather than a necessity.  You will not only feel healthier, it could be the only thing you need to do to shed the weight!  And don’t be fooled by some so called healthy snacks either.  If they are low in fat, check the salt or sugar.  If they low in sugar, check the fat or sugar!

##4 Supermarket or Shop Brand products won’t kill you!

Buying Sainsbury’s baked beans is not going to kill you because you did not buy Heinz.  OK, I know it tastes differently.  And I really will put my hands up here.  I only buy Heinz.  However, buying Sainsbury’s washing powder has not ruined my clothes yet.  And there are some food products where the taste is not so bad – these I will buy.  It is amazing how much your weekly bill will be reduced.  And remember, sometimes the same manufacturers make the same products for the supermarkets.  You are just paying a premium for the name.

##5  Do you really need a new pair of shoes?

If you planning on building a summer house at the back of the house, there are some things you are going to cut back on.  Come on, the government makes cuts, the company you work at makes cuts, so there are times you got to make cuts.  You already have 58 pairs of shoes.  Do you need a 59th pair?  Think what has more priority?  The shoe or the summer house?  Yep, I know, the summer house is 100 times more in price than the shoe, but if you keep buying shoes and designer suits and expensive bags and gadgets, the summer house will become a permanent dream

What adjustments have you had to make in order to save money?  Please don’t forget to share this post.

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