The Power of Music

We are connected to music even from birth.  Babies respond to music.  Put a lullaby and a baby calms down.

the power of music

Music brings back memories.  Creating or listening to music has great power.   When I was learning to play the guitar a few years back it made a great difference to my sense of well-being.

In the Bible, David played a harp when King Saul was distressed.  This showed the power of music to heal has been long appreciated. No wonder the bible compels us to worship…

Elisha called minstrels to calm his spirit when King Jehoram of Israel came to seek his counsel at the prompting of King Jehosophat of Judah and in the presence of the King of Edom.  The three Kings had set out against the King of Moab finding themselves in the desert without water.  When we listen to spiritual songs we invite the presence of God.

The content of music is very powerful.  Lean to change the words where appropriate, for example, “saved a wretch like me” to “saved someone like me”.  It is important what we confess.

Music is a gift. The first music a baby hears is the heartbeat of the mother.  Why is it that we sing when we are happy?  Why is it that we want to dance and celebrate?  What we have to learn to do is to use music at all times.

Some of the wrong music that young people listen to influence them to do terrible things. Music reinforces the words of the songs we hear and sing.  Music always appeals to the emotions making us even more susceptible to receive the words that are carried with it.  Music stirs up our spirit.

How has music affected your life? Please comment and share on this post.

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