Thoughts, Words, And Expectations

Our thoughts, words and expectations are all linked.  Our thoughts affects our words.   They influence our actions and set our expectations.  Being in  control of what we accept into our thought patterns can help us shape the direction of our words and expectations.  Change is something that we all have to deal with in life.   The attitude with which we face change is a reflection of our thought processes.

Thoughts Words & Expectations

I was diagnosed with schizophrenia for more than a decade.  The consultant psychiatrist that discharged me from the mental health system noted that I perhaps I had been challenged with handling stress while suggesting that I may have been misdiagnosed.  This was after two interviews of myself and my wife. I had by then developed a structured pattern of thinking that gave no room for dwelling on any thoughts that did not move me forward.

Researchers have it that the thoughts we have produce positive or negative effects on our bodies.   Thankfully God has given us the power to choose the thoughts we accept or reject.  This makes it possible to set our expectations independent of circumstances that we meet.   My thought processes had changed from one of regretful reflection to one that was immersed in reading, listening to and meditating  on messages based on the Bible by inspired and inspiring authors.

As I found my acting on and living in an environment that drowned out damaging thoughts, I experienced fewer and fewer incidents of strife, both internal and external.  My expectations were always of a positive nature.  My body language changed as my thought patterns changed.  My confidence and self-esteem soared.  I began to exercise dominion in my personal affairs.

Every moment matters. The time I devoted in the past to regret could have been better used elsewhere.   They also set my expectations over that period of time.   Every moment spent on thoughts of regret, limitations etc is one you have deprived yourself of thoughts of progress, joy and all other thoughts that could move you ahead in life.  There is hope that bears fruit.

The thoughts that you dwell on are the seeds you are sowing to your spirit.  Dwell only those that are able to build you and others up!

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