Ebola: Why We Must Not Be Fearful

Ebola: Why We Must Not Be Fearful

WHO warns 10,000 new cases of Ebola a week are possible …
“Why Ebola is so dangerous”
“Ebola airborne: A nightmare that could happen” – CNN.com
The news of Ebola is everywhere. Ebola appears to be threatening humankind and no one is deemed safe.

Or so it seems reading between the big headlines. There is a fuel of fear that is breeding because the experts tell us that we cannot be anything else but worried.

Not being worried, is akin to being plain irresponsible.

Ebola news
There seems to be a saturation of ebola news bringing fear

The rumours and news are certainly spreading at an accelerating and ‘overtaking’ rate of the disease itself.

Not only are we dealing with the epidemic of the disease, but there is also another epidemic of Ebola ‘information overload’ that is creating anxiety and dread all around.


Ebola is real and the impact of the disease must not and cannot be overlooked. However, fear can kill quicker than any disease.
Recently, I heard of someone in one of the ‘plagued’ West African countries who had taken ill with fever like symptoms.

By the time the results of the test for Ebola came back, the lady in question had died quickly. Interestingly, the test revealed malaria and not Ebola.

And malaria is not a certain killer or dreaded disease for most in those parts of the world.

Knowing the preventative measures to take to avoid catching the disease, should be the focus and not the circus the media is creating.

Bad news sell! Journalists are paid to write news that sell, that sensationalize, that gets hits on internet news pages.

When we are reading the bad news we may have this sense of security that forewarned is forearmed and thrive on craving the bad news. But when you think of it, is this really true?
(When you finish reading this post, how about sharing this page instead and dissipate fear?)


We can learn lessons from Job in the Bible. He said what he feared the most had come on him (Job 3:25). Job was always talking fear (Job 1:5).

When his kids had wild parties, he always would speak out his fear that it was probable they had sinned. The Bible said he did this continually. Fear got Job in trouble.

This shows that fear is very potent and powerful. Fear robs us of peace, causes us to live in constant dread. Job was constantly worried.

Why does fear sometimes attract disaster? Often fear causes us to say the wrong things. And we all know the power of words!

When we speak our fears, those words sets things into motion. Instead, we must reflect and put things into perspective, resting on the promises of God.

Storms always come with threatening ferocity and at the time always seem like they will go on forever.

However, as we dwell in the secret place under the shelter of the Most High through declaring and meditating on his Word, like most storms, this Ebola will pass and we can stay sane! Remember, no storm ever lasted forever.

Ebola has created a sensation as a scary and very fearful disease. However unless staying calm is added to the equation, we create tension and panic, act irrational, make poor decisions and that exacerbates the disease, discourages everyone and makes others give up!

Why not share this page on why we must not be fearful of Ebola. Also, this balanced article from The Guardian puts things in clearer positive perspective and is a very worthwhile read.
If fear, anxiety, seems to be a constant issue, why not get the book, Meditations and Confessions for People facing Fear, Anxiety and Worry by E. Onah.

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