Top things we complain about (how many can you tick?)

I have an acquaintance who always seems to moan. It can be tiresome almost to the point of depressing.

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Some of the things she complains about, are things not even worth mention. But she can be trusted to complain about it.  Something is always ridiculous!!

The other day for example, it was roadworks.   I kept thinking to myself, roadworks is never convenient.  But it is necessary.  Would not said person be the first to…let’s wait for it…complain?

The Complaint-Free World website says that the average person complains between 15 to 30 times a day. That averages 1 to 2 complaints every waking hour.

And these are for the complaints we voice out, not the ones in our head.

For many, complaining is a habit as in the example above with my acquaintance. Thatcsaid, it seems complaining is wired inside us from birth. I just have to listen to my 4 year old

For others, complaining is frustration. There are deeper roots like unhappiness. Other frustrations can be due to circumstances beyond our control. And in this category, there is room for valid complaints. How else can there be a change or improvement?

But when complaining is negative, it is detrimental. It affects our spirit and soul in more ways than we think. It also affects others.

So what do we really complain about 30 times a day?

The weather (especially if we are British🤣).
Noisy neighbours
Other people’s children
Transportation system like buses and trains (especially in Britain)
Cost of living
Internet connections
Free things not having all the things we want with it

Bad customer service

Long queues
Slow queues
People pushing into queues (in some countries however, if you don’t push in, you will be there all week!)
The boss!
Work colleagues
Monday mornings
Family members
Our weight!

And on that note, I will sign off before this post becomes a complaint!!

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