6 Factors To Consider As Parents Age

By Aaron Smith

As your parents age, it becomes increasingly important to ensure they stay healthy and safe.  Aging brings on many major life changes. Things like retirement and more limited mobility are difficult to deal with for some and can cause major physical and mental stress. There are, however, many things that you can do to help your parents do to keep them aging comfortably and gracefully. Here are six factors to consider as your parents age.

#1 Diet

Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet is one of the most important things to help seniors age gracefully. The general guidelines of most diets include a variety of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains. Healthy fats found in nuts, seeds, and olive oil are also essential. The diet should include moderate amounts of dairy and white meats for protein, but red meat should be avoided. Staying hydrated and taking supplements as a doctor suggests can also be a vital part of any diet. Nevertheless, each person’s needs are quite unique and this is why it’s important to always consult your parents’ physician about an optimal diet.

#2 Rest

Rest is an essential factor that improves people’s quality of life, especially seniors. It is known that with age, sleep problems tend to increase which might lead to depression, anxiety, or other mental health issues.

[Tweet “Most importantly, seniors should avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and heavy meals in the evening. “]

A sleep schedule that consists of the same bedtime and wake-up time is incredibly helpful in regulating one’s internal clock. Having a relaxing bedtime routine can also reduce excitement, anxiety, or stress.

Most importantly, seniors should avoid cigarettes, alcohol, and heavy meals in the evening. Instead, only light snacking should be allowed. If your parents struggle with sleep for an extended period of time, consulting a doctor or sleep specialist could be highly beneficial.

#3 Mobility

Exercise and physical activities can significantly improve the wellness of seniors. Physical activities should be light – they can include regular stretching, walks in the park, or swimming or water aerobics, chair exercises, yoga, etc. There are many routines or workout guides available online for staying active at home, or many communities offering local classes if your parents would like something more social and interactive. If airborne pathogens are a concern, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, look for remote classes that scissors can take online.

There are lots of fun activities that can help aging adults stay active, too, like gardening! The routine walking, kneeling, and soil work are great for keeping joints and muscles active. The additional exposure to Vitamin D from the sun, verdant views, and attaining control and purpose in caring for something brings great peace of mind. Or, if outdoor activities are too much for your parents, you could help them implement gardening into their indoor lives as well by buying them potted plants or starting small herbal gardens for them.

#4 Mental health

Mental health is an essential factor in the lives of elderly people. According to the Pan American Health Organization, depression is the most common mental health problem in older people and at least one in four older adults experience some form of mental disorder. With that being said, it is important to help your parents take care of their mental health. 

Providing mental health care to your seniors at home includes ensuring that they are sleeping and eating well, exercising, and have adequate social support. Meditation is another important aspect of senior care. In fact, research shows that meditation is proven to reduce depression and anxiety. In more severe cases, therapy may be required., but the rest of their mental care often varies depending on their personality. You can take actions to increase their social interactions, help them travel more often, etc. depending on what they need. Talk to your parents honestly and openly to make sure you can help them meet both their needs and wants.

#5 Home environment

A healthy home environment is essential for senior care too. Your seniors need to be comfortable in their own space. An increasing number of people prefer home care for seniors – that’s care that a professional caregiver or dedicated family member provides to the senior in their home where they can feel more safe and comfortable. They can also receive personalized care that is targeted towards their unique routines and needs. Additionally, family involvement is an important consideration for home care services, whereby you are in direct contact with your loved one’s caregiver and are included in the decision-making process of their care plan.

Your parents’ home environment should always be clean, quiet, and calm. Seniors are more susceptible to germs and airborne pathogens, so more frequent cleaning and sanitization is important. Plus, a well-organized home can help seniors with weakened mobility navigate their space. If your parents are at risk of falling, keep items off the floor and keep rooms well lit. Technology can help you achieve some of this. There are numerous devices available online to help mobility in the home, like motion-activated lights.

#6 Social interactions

Numerous studies have shown that social interactions lead to happier lives for seniors. To stay socially involved, your parents can join social clubs such as a book club or a chess club. Having hobbies that they look forward to is a very important factor that adds a much-needed sense of fulfillment to their lives.

You can also plan family events such as game nights! Sometimes, caregiving is all about the togetherness and camaraderie that comes with playing a board game. In fact, research has shown that playing games can increase seniors’ cognitive capacity and brain health. Examples of great social games include scrabble, dominoes, and checkers!

Therapeutic activities are another great way to spend time together with your loved one. This is all while keeping them mentally and physically active. For instance, baking is an incredibly effective social activity that leads to positive memories and delicious results. You could explore new recipes together or cook traditional meals.

Remember, your parents do not have to be alone in this process! Aging does not have to be painful and difficult. It can be a beautiful life phase when seniors are surrounded by family and friends and make smart, healthy life choices.

Author Bio

Aaron Smith is an LA-based content strategist and consultant in support of STEM firms and medical practices. He covers industry developments and helps companies connect with clients. In his free time, Aaron enjoys swimming, swing dancing, and sci-fi novels.

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