share your mental health story

Your Story & Interviews

A story has the power to inspire, encourage or even save a life.  

share your mental health story


Here are some amazing stories and interviews others have shared with us on Defying Mental Illness:   


Kay’s story

share your mental health storyYoung Kay has a victory note in her story.  Having lived with anxiety most of her and being labelled as the over-sensitive kid, Kay experienced self harm, OCD, panic attacks, anxiety and agoraphobia.  Facing stigma because of all these challenges, Kay is helping others today because she has proven that when life throws you lemons you just go ahead and make lemonade!

Fancy Macelli’s story

share your mental health storyFancy is an actress, singer, mother and wife.Getting into severe depression following the death of her mother, this part of her life was to last for over 10 years.  But Fancy’s story shows the strength of her oldest daughter who played a big role as a caregiver who ran the home as her mother sunk deeper and deeper into depression…


Sahar Hakim Hashmi’s story

share your mental health storyImagine being at one of the top universities of the world and probably being the envy of all your friends.  However, life is not as glamorous on the inside as people think on the outside.  That was Sahar’s story having being challenged with depression and anxiety and struggling with our studies.  Sahar and friends eventually discovered that Sleep is for the Strong challenging the popular mantra on campus of sleep being for the WEAK!

Interview with Stewart Bint Part 1 and Part 2

rp_STEWART-847x1024.jpgStewart shares on what it is like being sectioned.  Experiencing stigma from his employers and much more.  Stewart was climbing the corporate ladder at record speed.  He had all to live for, a career, albeit extremely stressful, a wonderful wife and two beautiful kids.  One night in a moment of despair, while on a business trips, he called the Samaritans.  That call saved his life!

Matthew Mckenzie’s story

matthew mckenzieMatthew shares his story from the angle of a caregiver/carer.  Caregiving can seem like a lonely affair.  He challenges on why caregivers feel like they are fighting a lonely battle.  Matthew raises an important point that mental illness affects everyone, not just the one diagnosed with it, and shows the importance of mental health awareness.  Matthew’s story is balanced and very thought provoking.

Bill Boutin’s story

share your mental health story

Bill shares his story here as a writer and musician who used his talents to deal with his mental health challenges.  Bill also sought pastoral care counselling which helped a great deal.  Bill counts himself as one of the fortunate ones due to the therapy he received!


Deb’s story

share your mental health storyDeb shares her very touching story on PTSD here.  Sexually abused at the age of 6 years old, her parents made her apologize to her abuser, as they did not believe her.  Deb shares that stigma has been one of the most challenging aspects of her story.



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