The Real Reason why you want to Give Up

You want to give up.  You have just about taken what anyone can stomach.  It may be your marriage,  it may be your kids, your job, your health, anything.

The truth is you really don’t want to. U You’d rather not.  Right?  Who wants to walk away from anything especially after investing time, effort, money and so on.

Why you want to give up

Well I am here to tell you that you can give that thing one more chance.  That you really do not need to give up.  And the simple answer lies in the fact that if you really search your heart, you have not thought about why you are giving in!

Here are the reason why you want to give up:

#1  You have not really thought about why you want to give up!

So just to re-iterate as I mentioned it earlier, you really have not given much thought as the WHY!  You think I am joking by that statement.  No, I am not.  The first truth is most people really do not know why they want to give up.  

You are now shaking your head in disbelief as you list all the reasons:

  • It is not worth it (You know it is)
  • What’s the point? (If things were different, you could list several points)
  • No one has ever succeeded! (Even if you do not know them by name, you know someone out there has done it or something that took just as much courage even not more)
  • The odds are against me (That may be true, but there are people who defy the odds.  What make you think you are not one of them?)
  • Etc etc

These may sound like plausible reasons.  And they may be.  But if we really search our hearts, are they really ‘excuses’ and not reasons?!  

#2 Fear

OK, here is something softer having administered the last hard blow from the point above :-).  A lot of times, we act out of fear.  We stop because we are afraid.  

Not too long ago, a friend was going through a very hard and trying time.  All the decisions she was making from the onlooker’s perspective, we could see were driven by fear.

The truth of the matter, she was giving up on her original plan.  She no longer saw her dreams and aspirations as feasible.  Fear had a grip.  All around her was a rising and crippling panic.  And that grip was pushing her towards demolishing many years of planning!

#3 You do not understand the situation

You may have a challenging child playing up and acting out, daily giving you a dose of inflamed anger.  You may think, it is better for that child to end up in social care than at home with you.  In other words, you have done all you can.  

However, stop and think.  Really think.  Have you taken out to time to understand what is REALLY GOING ON?  Have you tried walking in their shoes, perhaps?  Are you going to work away from your home simply because in our Find and Replace generation, it is easier to do so than to try and really ascertain what is the issue?

#4  Lack of knowledge

There is a popular verse in the Scriptures that says people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.  If you have not understood the situation, you may not know how to appropriately go for help.  Ask for help.  And seek knowledge.  

Seek to know who can help.  

My friend that I spoke of earlier, was not prepared to ask for help till things were really, really in a bad way.  By which time, it only seemed natural to give up.  Even so, when offering help, she was not willing to accept it, even with the remote chance of turning a hopeless situation around.

Also, I will slip in under this heading, that people give up because they lack the resources and monumental patience.  The truth is start where you are at.  Often we are waiting for big money, perfect conditions and so on.  The Bible says those who wait for perfect conditions never plant!  And with the patience aspect, forget microwave solutions.  Employ patience instead!

#5  You only see the NOW

The question you should ask yourself is what do you see?  The more you look at the present situation, the more overwhelming it gets.  This is where the power of imagination comes in.  Our imagination power is our creative power.

Use your creative power to re-create your world. See in the future.  Find and surround yourself with positive people.  People of faith.  People that can see beyond your now.  Yes, it can be difficult to see when you are deep in the mud.  This is why you need the people around you to be encouragers.  Not ‘realistic’ pessimistic people or negative people.  

Of course, I am not advocating that they tell you that castles can be built in the air.  But by the same token, you do not need any further doom and gloom picture that you have not already painted.

#6 The comfort zone is more comfortable

We reason with ourselves and talk ourselves out of many things simply because the appeal of the comfort zone is too strong.  Resist the comfort zone.  I think you better read Chuck’s post on how he fought his way out of his comfort zone!

Always remember that the thing you may have given up on, someone else would have gone past.  Be open to seeing things from a positive view rather than a negative angle all the time.

Please share this post with someone is about to give up!  It may help them!

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