Author: Defying Mental Illness

  • Remote working: Top tips for managing your own workload

    Remote working: Top tips for managing your own workload

    By Betty Brown Remote working is becoming increasingly popular, seeing a significant increase from only 14.5% of workers in 2019 to 30.6% in 2022. Of course, the catalyst for this change was the COVID-19 pandemic, but statistics show that many businesses are now continuing to allow their staff to work remotely. With remote working comes…

  • Doomscrolling Awareness

    By Martin Preston Doomscrolling, meaning obsessively scanning social media and websites for bad news, can promote feelings of anxiety, and depression and can result in burnout. The high level of stress can cause a lack of appetite, and an inability to sleep and go about everyday tasks.  Compulsively watching the news and doomscrooling can cause…

  • Neurodiversity in the workplace: 4 tips for your recruitment process

    Neurodiversity in the workplace: 4 tips for your recruitment process

    By Betty Brown Neurodiversity refers to the differences in brain functions and behavioural traits of individuals. This umbrella term is typically used to cover an array of conditions, such as ADHD, autism and dyslexia. Neurological diversity is considered to be a part of normal variation in humans, and it’s more commonly being seen as a…

  • How can remote communication channels create more stress in employees?

    By Samuel Porter Remote working is more popular than ever. With the time and money saved on a daily commute, it’s no surprise that employees are happy working from home. However, there are some aspects of working remotely which all employees (and employers) should be aware of. Of course, teams need to keep up communication with…

  • FIVE toxic phrases you should avoid saying to your kids at mealtimes

    By Fiona Yassin Eating disorders are rarely about the food itself. More often than not, the root cause is an untreated or unresolved trauma.  However, there are some phrases that parents and carers tend to use by way of habit that can be more damaging than anyone intends. They can lead young people to develop…

  • How to Manage Your Money when Living Alone

    How to Manage Your Money when Living Alone

    By James Ritter Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, it’s thought that 43% of people between 55 and 66 years old have opted to take an early retirement. Starting retirement early might sound like a dream come true, but this brings with it fresh challenges, especially when living alone. Whether you’re retired or still…