Category: Sunday Sermon

  • Faith and Doubt

    By Tonya King I remember a time a few years into managing my Bipolar Disorder that I began to suffer from debilitating anxiety.  I know that anxiety is a component to many mental illnesses as well as being a diagnosis all on its own, but this anxiety was different than what I had been experiencing. …

  • 10 Ways To Ease the Dis -ease of Mental illness

    By Tonya King There are so many ways to get off track on our journey to get healthy and whole.  Having a challenge with mental illness can derail even the most faithful person.  I am finding my faith walk with God a little difficult right now as I am dealing with an upcoming major surgery…

  • Biblical Meditation

    By Tonya King I’ve been studying a great deal about meditation the past few months.  I, like many, have steered away from meditation for fear it is some Middle Eastern Religious practice that will lead me far away from God.   Indeed, it is practiced by Middle Easterners, but their form of meditation is far from…

  • Welcome Spring…Hello Mania

    by Tonya King Spring has arrived in the part of America where I live.  The days are getting longer, the sun is shining, and the weather is warming up.  The arrival of warm weather and sun brings out the happy in most people, but it brings out the manic in me.  My mood destabilizes with…

  • Useable Brokenness

    by Tonya King I have a confession to make… I’m broken.  I am sure that if you looked at your inner self, you could say the same thing.  There are many types of brokenness that stem from many types of problems and illnesses and I am talking about all of them.  If we go by…

  • Playing in the Puddles

    by Tonya King Do you have a longing so great for more of God, yet you cannot seem to get loose from your ties to the world?  I have run across this dilemma many times.  I so desire for a deep, lasting relationship with God but there is so much of me still in the…