Category: Sunday Sermon

  • Your Mind is not a Garbage Dump

    Your Mind is not a Garbage Dump

    Culled from ‘Defying Mental Illness-A 31-Day Devotional’ Your mind records everything that your brain perceives. The things you see, hear and feel. Your attitude determines how you interpret what you receive from your senses. Passively recording everything that our brain receives in the mind results in a mind like a garbage dump where all kinds…

  • God Has A Way Of Stirring The Nest

    God Has A Way Of Stirring The Nest

    God allowed Joseph’s brothers to be wicked to him.  Their actions pushed him further towards his destiny.  When people are wicked towards you do not despair.  Nothing happens without God knowing and the wickedness could be pushing you to your destiny. Difficulties with the workplace propelled me towards my final recovery from the schizophrenia diagnosis…

  • He hides things for us [not from us]

    He hides things for us [not from us]

    God hides things for us. We often mistake this as things being hidden from us. Imagine how we make provisions for our young children yet keep many of these out of their sight until they are ready for them. So, God also looks after those in relationship with Him. Much like how we deal with…

  • Mended

    By Tonya King I was doing everything right. I was taking my meds as I was supposed to but, Wow! Did I run off the rails. I knew it, my family knew it, anyone within a 50-foot radius would have known it. No matter what I did, I couldn’t slow myself down. My thoughts were…

  • To Heal a Broken Heart, Give God the Pieces

    To Heal a Broken Heart, Give God the Pieces

    Culled from ‘Defying Mental Illness-A 31-Day Devotional’ I once had a broken heart. It literally felt like someone had broken through my rib cages, ripped my heart out, stamped on it, torn it apart and left my heart bleeding. Ever felt like that? When someone is emotionally pained, it can lead to depression or other…

  • Set Apart

    By Tonya King So many times, during the up’s and downs of my illness, I would say “I wish I was normal”.  Being normal (without symptoms, without stigma) was a goal I sought after.  I didn’t like feeling different from everyone else and I was ashamed that I had an illness that I could not…