• 4 Steps in Meditation

    Meditation is so important.  For many, when they think of meditation, they think of someone sitting still, cross legged and emptying their mind. However, meditation is an age old practice that people in the Bible did thousands of years ago and is quite the opposite from the way many portray it today. Meditation comes from…

  • The Secret Power of Meditation

    So my story continues.  I had been on various medications for 14 years when I met my wife to be.   Meeting Zoe was to pave the way not just for love but also for a kicking in the boot of mental illness. By this time I was on anti-psychotic drugs.  The drug just slowed me down.  These drugs…

  • Successfully staying off Medication

    So my story continues…the one how I weaned and stayed off medication successfully… You must understand this is no ‘ride in the park’ feat and again I emphasise that it is not a decision you take at the spur of the moment. Medication for schizophrenia or bipolar disorder does not cure the condition but provides…

  • How I Came off and Successfully Stayed Off Anti-Pyschotic Medication… And Welcome!

    Hi.  Welcome to this brand new spanking blog!  Watch out for our weekly/fortnightly posts. My name is Eze sometimes nicknamed Chuck.  I was diagnosed with schizophrenia many years ago.  I however came off antipsychotic medications successfully without crisis from 2008 and was ‘discharged’ from the Mental Health system in 2010 with a statement of NO MENTAL…

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