Tag: Zoe Onah

  • What would you have done in my shoes?

    A friend of mine who had arranged the blind date told me that there were issues that he had to tell me.  It was imperative that he told me at some point, she said.  Sounded like if he did not tell me she would.  She had however painted an otherwise wonderful profile of my would…

  • Depression: RIP Robin Williams

    Today the world mourns the sudden death of comic, Robin Williams.  A brilliant actor that made many laugh.  We hear he has ‘died by suicide and had been suffering from severe depression.  It shows the ironic cruel twist of depression – how a person can make others laugh whilst inside they are crying themselves.  What a devastating blow for…

  • What to do for yourself when Mental Illness strikes

    Last time we took a brief look at what happens when mental illness strikes your marriage, when mental illness becomes the uninvited companion in your home. Mental illness brings chaos and upheaval in the home.  It is worse than the most interfering mother in law!   Mental illness can be frightening.  As the caregiver, ‘living with’…

  • When Mental Illness strikes a marriage – Walking in my shoes

    It is said there is an elevated risk of divorce when a spouse is challenged with mental illness.   The cycle of emotions that the caring spouse endures make this risk pronounced, as sentiments towards the other run high and scorch desert dry.  Everyone and thing gets affected.  The kids, the extended family, the friends, the pets et…

  • Mental Illness in Families – Walking in my shoes

    It is ironic that all my life, I have come in contact with several people who have been through the devastation – an aunt, a very young cousin that died just a few years ago, my best friend, my housemate at university – yes I have had my fair share of close association with people…

  • Mental Illness in Families

    Hi.   My name is Zoe… It is about time I popped my pretty head (smiles) and get to know you all out there.  Thanks for popping by at Defying Mental Illness.  We hope you have been enjoying Chuck’s story. Well, I am the wife of Chuck.  His story of defying mental illness is mine as well…