Your Life is Precious – Don’t End it

“Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom” – Psalm 90:12 (NLT)

You did not come into this world by accident even if everyone has been telling you so all your life. You did not suddenly appear on earth and there was an urgent heavenly meeting questioning how your existence came into being!

Your life is precious

He’s planned for you

  • Long before the foundations of the world were laid, God knew precisely when you were coming into this world. He had it all planned. When He created the world, He had you in mind because He was preparing for your coming.

He’s infinitely interested

  • He numbered the hairs on your head. In other words, everly strand of hair was coded because of His vast love for us. If a strand was to fall off your head, He knew about it and had a record of it. It shows God was interested in even the least important things about us.

You have it within you

  • He also knew what you were coming to do in the world. And He loaded you with gifts and abilities to accomplish them. His plans for you are fool proof and have a lifetime guarantee.

Depend on Him

  • He also knew that you would face challenges and trials, but He knew they would not swallow you up because He ensured that there would be no temptation that you would not be able to bear. He put faith in your spirit. He knew you would depend on Him because His desires for you were out of this world, and would need your reliance on Him to accomplish them.

Enjoy life now

  • He gave us His Son because His desire was for you to be saved so you could not only spend eternity with Him but start enjoying the benefits right here on earth.

The thoughts that God thinks towards you are more numerous than the sand on the seashore. Can you imagine He thinks about you more than you can conceivably think of yourself? He wants you to live out your days not shorten them. He does not want surprises of any early arrivals in heaven.

Don’t let circumstances persuade you to end your precious life. God has put something in you that only you can and ever will do in the universe even if you find that hard to believe right now. This is why everyone has a unique DNA and no one before or after you will have that same coding…ever.
You are God’s dream. Don’t end the dream. Live the dream, live your life.

Thought for the day

“When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, ‘I used everything you gave me’’” – Erma Bombeck

Adapted from ‘Defying Mental illness: A 31-Day Devotional”

About The Author

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