10 Life Hack Secrets to Keeping New Year Resolutions

Has everyone stopped talking about new year resolutions already?  No more headlines on this topic anymore?!  Have they been shelved for another year?

life hacks to keeping new year resolutions

Chuck opened an can of worms the last time, by asking if new year resolutions make us happy.

Well it all depends!    It certainly would if we could keep them.  However from Chuck’s well researched stats in said blog post, we found this is not always the case.   And people can feel depressed or non achieving when they do not succeed with their goals for the year. 

So do we bother with new year resolutions this year or do we just continue same old same?  The truth of the matter is that if we keep doing the same thing, we will keep having the same results.  So yes, new year resolutions may not always work, but don’t worry, we have some secrets below in helping you make them work…

1  If you made some of these resolutions last year and did not achieve them, find out why

Do an honest evaluation.  Did you set unrealistic goals?  Did you lose momentum, and if so, why?

2  Why are making these resolutions?

Sometimes it seems like a good idea at the time.   People think up something because everyone is making a new resolution or change.  We must make resolutions for the right reason.  Not because we want to be like someone else but because this change will have a benefit or impact. 

3  Pen your new goals down

Be specific.  Sometimes we even forget what we set out to achieve.   Did we say we would lose 3 kg or was it 5 kg?  Being specific keeps our focus.  If we say we want to exercise, write down what exercise, how many times a week, how long for, etc.  When we committed to blogging on Defying Mental Illness, we were very specific.  We committed to a regular 3 times a week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday…and to date have not missed a schedule!  Writing your goals down makes a wish list a possibility list.  The faintest ink is better than the sharpest brain. Pen the vision!  And keep those goals in front of you. 

4  Give yourself a timeline to work to and keep it simple

Work on one or at the very most three at a time.  Sometimes we try to do all of them all at once and quickly just get burnt out and bored after the novelty wears off.  Start with the easier achievable goals.  It is a psychology that works.  Small changes add up!  When you see yourself achieving them you are encouraged to take on more.

5   Change your environment

This in itself is a prerequisite for new resolutions.  Sometimes just by being around better positive people or by being in a conducive atmosphere sets the scene for you to achieve your goals.  Wanting to wake up earlier but having a messy room around you may not work too well.  Just see the pile when you peel open your eyes may send you back to snooze!

6  Make yourself accountable

Accountability is important.  Success is measured.   For it to be measured, success has to be monitored.  Find someone who will keep tabs on your progress.  Someone not too lenient but a bit firm! But encouraging.

7   The key to your success is found in your daily routine

Form a habit.  Read this post on 7 important habits of successful people.  Get into it while the momentum is there.  Hit the ground running with both feet.  You will know when you have slackened…and when you do…pick up again.  Once you have established a routine, you can be sure it gets easier.  When we first started DMI, as with any start up, it took a momentum.  But once the momentum was in flow, everything just powered itself. 

8   Reward yourself

Give yourself a prize.  Set mini goals and give yourself a pat on the back.  Celebrate your milestones.  Shout about it on social media et al and enjoy the moments of glory and fame!

9   Believe in yourself

You will have what you say.  If you keep saying it is hard or you know it will fail it will be so.  Speak right.  It is the power of confessions.

10   And now…

Here are my own, spiritual, physical, mental et al….Well, some of them (smiling)…And PLEASE write and ask me how I am getting on, you have free license to do so…THANK YOU!

  • Memorize a Bible verse a week.  (I have tried to do one a day before.  Having not succeeded I lost the momentum.  So this year, I am making an easier, achievable goal).
  • Not miss out on my Read the Bible in 2 year Reading.  (I have gone maybe a week or two – did I admit that? – where I am missed my readings that had to do a massive catch up.  I am a day behind but I am not going to be hard on myself.  I need YOU to be asking me every now and again).
  • Maintain my prayer journal and pray more! – (I have a journal, and the last entry was nearly 2 years ago.  I will date, who it concerns, write the details, when answered)
  • Make notes from the books I read.
  • Publish the devotional Chuck and I have written
  • Eat more fruits.  (I am veggie person…I know, I know!  However, I am going to get my fruit intake up this year.  I will start with eating 1 fruit a day.  Don’t be hard on me please).
  • Exercise.  I have an athletic, slim build which is deceptive because it fools even me in thinking I do not need to exercise.  But please can someone get on me to at least take a walk exercise at least once a fortnight!  No that’s no typo but once a fortnight is better than no walking at all.

I think that is as much as I want to divulge!  I am trying real hard on the list above and I will be coming back to this page through the year.  

So why not bookmark this page so you have a point of reference and some prompts on just how to keep those resolutions.  

See you December 31st.  Hopefully with my success news!

About The Author

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