5 Simple reasons why we get unhappy

Yesterday was International Day of Happiness. I remember an old song which used to say, don’t worry, be happy.

Don’t worry, be happy!

Let me ask you a question, are you happy, really really happy? Were you happy yesterday on the declared Happiness day? Has that happiness spilled into today? After all today is Monday which spells w-o-r-k!

But let’s think about this. Why do we get unhappy in the first place? If we know why we are unhappy, at least we can deal with it…let’s not go into those who are unhappy by default. Perhaps another time on that one. But let’s get down to what is making us unhappy right now.

##1 We remember our mistakes

We did something in 1956. It is now 2016. 60 years on and that wrong turning is still mocking us. The truth is everyone including those with great success stories have made mistakes.

What we do with our mistakes is what matters. Learn from them and endeavor not to repeat them. Or meditate on them forever. If we meditate on our errors we will become very sad. The mistakes will haunt us, plague us and even affect our thoughts. Forget your mistakes, move on if you seek this happiness factor!

##2 We are full of regret

This follows on from point 1. We are full of regret often because of out mistakes or our decisions. Regret means you are stuck in the past. The present is a GIFT. Live in the now. As we do, opportunities will come knocking.

Opportunities hardly knocks on doors of regret. Opportunities want to be welcomed. So make room for them. Live in the now and dream of the future.

##3 Find it hard to forgive and or full of bitterness

This is the tough one. Someone has wronged us. Can we find it in our hearts to forgive? Forgiveness is for our own good. It frees us else unforgiveness leads to bitterness.

Bitterness is a poison. If you drank poison you are the one who is affected. So why drink the poison of unforgiveness and bitterness? Is it worth it? All you do is give the other person power over you and in particular, your thoughts and mind.

Please, consider this point seriously today. Don’t leave it for tomorrow. Be happy today!

##4 Unfulfilled expectations and unaccomplished dreams

When our expectations and dreams are not met, we can be unhappy. More so when we see others doing exactly what we planned to do. Remember, we said earlier that the present is a gift.

Every hour of each day has the potential to bring you at least 1 of 60 opportunities. Look out for new opportunities or see how you can revisit the old ones.

It is all about your mindset. What is your perspective?  If you think you are too old and the boat sailed a long time ago, well your words have cemented that. Remember we always say at Defying Mental Illness that words are powerful!

I know a lady who is nearly 80 and is a certified fitness instructor and even teaches Zumba. Her boat is certainly cruising with her in it because she does not see limitations. No opportunity is missed or dream is dead till you say so!

##5 We are not thankful for what we have

Ask someone in some remote village where there is no electricity about being unhappy about not having an iPad and they will think you don’t know the meaning of life. Happiness is beyond material things. Often happiness is in the simplest things. The fact that you ate breakfast this morning is someone else daily prayer.

When we are thankful for the little things, the big things will locate us. Have a gratitude journal. Be happy you have a job even though your boss terrorizes you. Someone has not worked in 6 months and will trade places with you anyway.

Be thankful for your kids even though they leave the house like a landfill site! Someone else is craving for kids.

Be thankful for the burnt dinner your spouse cooked. At least they were making an effort…ok maybe you might pass on that. But you catch my drift.

And as the song goes, most of all…don’t worry be happy. Make everyday a day of happiness.

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