60 Sec Confidence Building – How to be positively minded

The world is programmed negatively.  The news channels do not usually have good news for us. 

As a result we subconsciously programme ourselves to be prepared for a negative world.  Even our speech is negative e.g. I’m afraid I can’t help you!  Are we really afraid?  No!  But why do  we say that?

As a result, over a matter of time, we have programmed ourselves negatively.  We think negatively.  We talk negatively.  And even act negatively.  Before long we have lost our self confidence.  So how can we change our mindset to one that is positive? 

positive mind

##1  Mind what you hear and read

If you want to keep your mind evergreen, you are going to be selective about what you hear and read.  Our thinking, our mindset is based on the things we hear, the books and materials we read too. 

Listen to negative things long enough, you will soon be negatively minded.  Keep reading the wrong books, your mind will soon be moulded that way. 

We have said this over and over again on this platform…If you want a sound mind, mind what you hear and read

##2  Quit trying to be someone else

Celebrate your uniqueness.  There are no two people who have the same thumb print or DNA or who has ever had the same before or will have in future. 

Think of how many billion people have passed through this world yet each person has had a unique DNA.  Negative thoughts can be developed when we try being someone else. 

Be happy with you.  You can admire someone, want to emulate them and all, but comparing yourself to them, can only lead to negativity regarding yourself.  So enjoy and celebrate you.

##3  Mind your friends

Who do you hang out with?  If all your friends are negative, then what will be the result.  You need friends who encourage not discourage you. 

Remember we said earlier on, we are what we hear.  You don’t to be spending too much time with people who are quick to point out your shortcomings and sap your energy. 

Yes, your friends should feel comfortable correcting you but it should be done in love and not to bring you down or make you feel small.  Have friends who see your potential, who compliment you. 

Do not participate in arguments and discussions that are going nowhere especially if they are negative.

Well our ’60 seconds are up’, but we trust these 3 lifehacks will steer you in the right direction of positivity. 

We would love to hear from you here or any any of our social media outlets how you stay positive minded!  Follow us, see the icons on the homepage.

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