7 Warning Signs of Depression

Many think of depression as just sadness or feeling low.  But is it?  And are there signs of depression?

Nearly everyone has felt low at some time in their life and thankfully got over it eventually.  However clinical depression is more than just mere sadness.   Someone said, not because someone has had a cut means they understand an amputation. 

signs of depression
Don’t handle depression alone

Depression is a disease.  If left untreated can worsen and last for several years.

Even the richest people surrounded with friends and good family can be challenged with depression, in the same way as these same people can be challenged with diabetes!  Depression can affect anyone.  I have seen a lady who waited several years for a baby, only for the baby to arrive and for her to end up depressed!

However, our hope is in Christ and there is always a solution even in the most depressing of depression!

But how do you know you are depressed or simply just feeling sad or low?

Here are some signs of depression to look out for yourself or your loved one:

#1  The sadness or grief has gone on for a while now

Depression can result in you feeling tearful quite easily, even a great deal of the time, and sometimes even for no reason at all.

#2  Diminished interest in doing even the things you usually enjoy doing

Life no longer seems exciting even in the best of times.  Hobbies don’t excite you.  There is little interest or very little pleasure in most things.  Sexual desires may also decrease.  You may also experience impaired or reduced concentration or find it difficult to focus, remembering things or making decisions.

#3  Sleeping too little or too much

Insomnia can become an issue in depression.  Conversely too much sleep can also one of the signs of depression.  Decreased, little or no energy can also be linked to depression

#4  Complaining of persistent aches and pains

These are the aches and pains that don’t seem to go away or doctors can’t seem to find anything wrong with you.  Or there are increase in these complaints.  These can include headaches, stomach aches, back aches and so on.

#5  Change in diet and habits

Diet changes can range from eating too much, bingeing, too little or poor appetite.  Habit changes can include excessive consumption of alcohol, drugs or smoking.  Or these may become new habits.   Others seek escapist, reckless and/or dangerous activities.

#6  Negative self feelings

Feelings of low self worth, feelings of hopelessness, helplessness, guilt, self hate and so on, nearly every day can be another sign of depression.   Anger and irritability may increase with depression too.  Your tolerance limit is very low and you seem angry towards everyone and everything.  The slightest thing angers you.

#7  Suicidal thoughts or thoughts of death

Recurring thoughts of death and/or suicide or even joking about suicide may be an indicator that depression is lurking in the dark corners of your mind.   If you are feeling any these above, don’t hesitate to talk to someone immediately.   Go to your pastor or loved one and let them know how you feel. 

If you are actively planning a suicide, tell someone NOW!   Stop what you are doing in fact right this moment and ring your pastor or loved one.    Make sure you get an action out of them.   If suicide thoughts persist, resist being alone for long periods.

Remember, honesty is vital.  There is nothing to be ashamed or feel condemned about.  Seeking medical help is not a sign of weakness neither does it mean you have sinned or your faith is weak or nonexistent.

Be safe.  Be well!

Question:  Do you have any warning triggers or signs of depression of your own?  Please don’t be shy to share.  Thank you.

About The Author

2 thoughts on “7 Warning Signs of Depression

  1. A lot of these symptoms can also be symptoms of coeliac disease. I would suggest that a person who has lots of aches and pains, change in eating habits, lacks interest or finds things too much effort, has problems concentrating/focusing/remembering things could easily have this serious autoimmune disease. These symptoms all lead to depression, they don’t cause it. And the underlying cause is CD. I recommend asking your GP for a coeliac blood test.

    1. Thanks Judy for this. Yes indeed a doctor must be seen by the time one has most of these symptoms.

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