Anger Awareness Week

My eyes briefly caught a headline snippet as I was on a browser this week.

It is  Anger Awareness Week from the 1st to the 6th December 2015.  Being a  topic I had previously blogged on, I thought this was the time for a revisit on anger.


Anger is a sign of strife. How we handle strife goes a long way in determining our success in building and maintaining relationships.  

Very often anger arises when  others do things in unexpected ways  that adversely affect our schedule (and this includes speech).  

Occasionally the early signs start with irritation which when unchecked spirals into anger.  Very often the ones we hurt the most are those closest to us when we act in anger.

Detecting both personal anger and the anger of others is key to begin to manage it.

Here are a few quick pointers on anger

#1 Unusually elevated voices

I have witnessed the best of friends in a disagreement  not even noticing the extent to which their voices get raised as they angrily make their point.  Heated arguments always end up with attention being drawn to the people involved.

#2 Obstruction and interruption

Angry people often obstruct and interrupt activities they are unhappy about.

#3 Disorderly conduct

Anger often results in people resorting to disorderly conduct in orher to gain attention

#4 Sabotage

Deliberate sabotage is a sure sign of anger.

Having identified anger, it is important the manage its effects.

Important tips for managing anger once there is awareness are:

  1.  Avoid taking immediate action
  2.  Exercise
  3.  Be creative
  4.  Review your thought pattern
  5.  Discuss your feelings

Do you have any tips ? Please comment and share.



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