Anger: The Enemy Within

I was on a train with Zoe a little while ago and witnessed the devastating effect anger could bring.  Anger is indeed the enemy within.  We heard a lady speaking angrily to a man.  It soon descended into obscenities.

Anger the enemy within

The response only resulted in the degeneration of events to a shameful display bordering violence.  It turned out they were a married couple out on a journey together.  The lady let out they had been married for 20 years which she asserted gave her the right to talk to her husband in any manner she chose.

The fact of the matter was that neither their responses provided a solution or solace.  That is what anger does.  It tends to feed on itself in a destructive manner. A lot of us identified with the lady who had apparently seen him through addiction and alcoholism, as she let out!  What she failed to realise was that when you magnify weaknesses of others, you are only feeding destruction.  I love that part of the bible that tells only to speak that which builds up and nothing else.

Give focus on any seed sown by the enemy and all you have achieved is to give the enemy the driving seat in your vehicle of life.  Too often anger makes us focus on ourselves.   This is so contagious even with the best of hearts.

When a man on the train told the husband in this scene on the train to watch how he spoke to his wife, the husband was resentful, reminding him that he had previously apologized on his excesses.  The unrepentant husband had gone on further to say that if she continued talking the way she was he would put her head through the glass.

They had both left home to go on a journey.  They both had backpacks.  Anger now threatened their journey as the husband said if she thought she was continuing the journey with him she was mistaken.  Fortunately the husband restrained himself and when the disembarking passengers at the next station told the staff of the incident their prompt check before the train continued confirmed that tempers had cooled.

Interestingly both loved the son that was the product of the marriage.  This could be seen from the man’s comment in response to his wife’s query as to whether how he spoke to her was that of a man that appreciated the son she bore him.

Both  had left home in good spirits to go on a journey together.  A seed from the enemy had stolen their journey.  If you don’t correct anger it could rapidly destroy you and everyone around you.  It is a key corruption seed sown by satan.

“Cease from anger, and forsake wrath; do not fret – it only causes harm.”

Has anger led to destroying of any of your relationships?  Please share this post.  There could be relationships preserved as a result.

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