5 Steps to Beating the Monday Blues

It is Monday again.  And does it not come so quick after the weekend?  Most people associate Monday as the most ‘depressing’ day of the week.  After a restful, long or busy weekend, it is time to get back to the grind be it work or school.

Beating the Monday Blues
Are you beating Monday blues? Or is it post it notes on energy drinks?

But what can we do to avoid that Monday feeling?  Is there any quick pill for beating the Monday blues?

##1  Wake up with a sense of purpose

One of the benefits of my walk in Christianity was discovering that we are each called to have a purpose driven life.  Each of us have an imprint to leave in this world.  It is not for the Nelson Mandelas and Isaac Newtons or other geniuses or world changers of this world only.   We are all born with something inside us to bless the world. 

That thing that we hate or want a change is often where our purpose lies but lets leave that for another day.  So if we wake up on Monday knowing that there is something that the world is waiting on us to deliver, a life to save, something to learn that will help us in fulfilling our purpose, we can look on Monday as a time to getting on the bandwagon. 

So from now on when you wake up say  Watch out world I am coming!


##2  Meditate

This is one of Chuck’s favorite  subjects.   Meditation played a big part in Chuck’s healing and recovery from mental illness.  Prayer and meditation is a time of refreshing. 

Prayer is a time to talk to God.  Tell Him that you don’t like Mondays.  Why not?  He is interested in even the strand of hair that fell off yesterday, lol!

With meditation, it is a time to listen.  Dwell and speak out those affirmations.  Make those scriptures or words become shouting scriptures or words that ooze out of you. 

Meditation is a time of creativity.  You can get solutions and ideas during times of meditation.  Wake up earlier on Monday to get going with your meditation.  You will be thankful for it in beating the Monday blues


##3  Get organized

When we are not organized, we can feel overwhelmed.  Suddenly the work looks wider than our scope.  Even God organized the creation of the world.  If we read the creation story, it has to be one of the most organized projects.  Being God, I am sure, He could have done it all in one day.  But He paced Himself.  He planned and organized. 

So ask your Strategist, the Holy Spirit to give you hand plan your day and week ahead.  It won’t so huge after all.


##4  Listen to something uplifting

As you are getting ready or perhaps on your way to work whether by transportation or driving, put on something on your device or car entertainment that will put a spring on your steps.  It could be a You Tube video of some motivational speaker or a Christian message or whatever that will put some fire in your engine. 

The free papers may have catchy headlines but if you spend your hour or two journey just reading some depressing stuff before work, it may only make you feel more suspicious of the world we live in.  Think about it. 

Make the news…positively of course.  I am not saying you are to be ignorant of what is happening around you, but you don’t need to read every analysis!


##5  Greet everyone with a cheer

It is Monday and people around you look grumpy, half asleep or maybe even happy.  Whatever the mood, you create the positive mood in your atmosphere. 

When people greet you and ask how you are, for goodness sake, don’t say ‘Not bad’ or even worse ‘Not too bad’.  Why not say, good.  Less words and more uplifting!  I always say I am great.  Or wonderful …irrespective of whether I had a tiresome commute into work or whatever that may have tried to take me off course from enjoying my morning. 

And because you said you were great and or wonderful, so it will be! 

Thank God it is Monday, folks!

Don’t have a clue about Meditation, then pop over to Amazon and getting any of Chuck’s book series:




About The Author

2 thoughts on “5 Steps to Beating the Monday Blues

  1. Sticking to a set routine is my solution to getting rid of the Monday Blues. It can be so hard to get my thoughts together at the beginning of the week. If you give yourself an excuse, the week starts out unproductive. I’ve been through this so many times. And now I try not to make any exceptions but try to create the kind of routine that I enjoy. Meditation and positive affirmations help. I got some more tips from here: https://tvdmexonline.com/love-mondays-and-the-rest-of-the-week/ So far I haven’t loved Mondays, but at least I’m less procrastinating.

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