Life on a Mental Health Ward

Thomas, (not his real name), had taken us out for a meal in China Town. Lovely fellow, friend and colleague. I had just resigned my position at work to go to better climes even though I thoroughly enjoyed my workmates, and efforts had been made for me to stay. It was a brilliant Friday send off and well attended.

mental health ward
Good guidelines ensure that staff treat patients with dignity and respect

I got home close to midnight and for the entire weekend I found myself in bed not perceiving the passage of time even though I was awake during the day. A lot of activity was going on in my mind with hallucinations/thoughts of dangerous work I had done in the past.

Monday morning saw me running to the nearby hospital where I had been hospitalized many months earlier. This time none of my relatives or friends knew where I was for the whole day and probably much longer. (This shows the importance of daily contacts for people who have been challenged with mental illness).

I do not have any recollection of what transpired after the assessment at the Accident & Emergency unit and subsequent admission in the mental health ward. The essential thing was the undisturbed rest I was afforded in the ward. I was in my room for a few days before I carried out any activity. I even spoke to my to be manager at work. I had no recollection of our conversation though to this day. Thomas was the first person to visit me when I was permitted visitors.

Next time the tale continues.

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