Mental Illness and Leadership

Mental Illness affects leaders too!

Yes, many may not want to admit this but mental illness affects anyone even leaders. Challenges and trials come without warnings.  Sickness may try to attack your body.  And mental illness may be one of them…

It is said there are over 15,000 books written about Lincoln including "Lincoln's Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness" by Joshua Wolf Shenk
It is said there are over 15,000 books written about Lincoln including “Lincoln’s Melancholy: How Depression Challenged a President and Fueled His Greatness”  by Joshua Wolf Shenk

Perhaps you are a leader challenged with mental illness or perhaps a leader that has a member of your family that is.   Being strong for others as a leader whilst you have challenges of your own, can be very pressurizing, and more so if those challenges are similar!   

You need to practice what you preach however!  Not, get out the tissues and have a ‘pity party’. That won’t help those you lead and neither will it help you.

Talk to your leader!

Pastors usually have spiritual leaders of their own too.   Make sure your spiritual leader knows what is going on as soon as possible.   Don’t ride it alone.   If you are the head of your ministry though, remember that you can get strength from other ministers who can join you in prayer and in encouraging one another.   Also, remember to talk to God about your challenges with mental issues.   You are never alone.  

Gain strength from examples in the Bible

God will never leave you nor forsake you.   Elijah, a great prophet of God,  ran away, depressed and tired, but God reached out to him.   David, a man after God’s own heart,  encouraged himself in the Lord in those trying depressing times.   If you feel you are tired, GET REST!   It may be all you need for you to recover.   And you will come back stronger and better in ministry than ever before!

Don’t question your leadership

Don’t pack it in just because you are dealing with a challenge or have challenges of mental illness.  Of course, depending on it’s severity, you need to keep keeping on.  Satan would have you give in.  He wants you to abort your vision, your purpose in life, your ministry.

I remember as a leader in church, it could seem very overwhelming when someone would call with a challenge that seemed like “child’s play to mine”.     The thought of ‘oh, my husband is challenged with mental illness, how I wish I had this instead’ would cross my mind.   Father forgive me for those thoughts! 

Remember that no challenge can swallow us up.  Often in exhorting or praying with others, I got the same answers I needed myself!   God can talk to us, give us that much needed solution as we reach out to others.  Remember the Word says it is more blessed to give than to receive.  

Yes, the blessings, the healing, the package we desire are all wrapped up in our purpose, in our giving.  

So don’t pack it in.  You are a leader with a difference.  What if Abraham Lincoln had given up his presidency due to severe depression?  

The fact that you have a challenge even with mental illness, does not make you ineffective or incapable.  When God called you, He did not see you as weak.  Always remember, He saw the full picture ahead of the call, and knew you could do it, you would make it and you would win.  

Yes, you can!

Are you a leader that has or had challenges with mental illness?  How have you dealt with it.  Please bless someone today.

About The Author

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