Stress At Christmas

Why do people get stressed at Christmas?  At a time when families meet up and exchange gifts, as much as it is a time of joy for  many it is a time of extreme stress for others.  Christmas may be a reminder of the family they no longer have.  There is the shopping, expectations, family feuds, reminder of those no longer around.



#1 Shopping

Christmas is a prime time for shopping sprees.  The largest shopping volumes in the year is usually at Christmas.  We are not only faced with buying the things we want for ourselves, but also what we think would be appreciated by others for them.

##2 Debt /Overspending

We spend so much at Christmas and this ultimately leads to money woes.  Come January we have to now face the new year dealing with how to get out of debt.

##3 ‘Crowd rage’, long lines and traffic

Then with the shopping comes the crowds, long line and the traffic.  Everyone is out doing…guess what?  Shopping.  Tempers are frayed and many become impatient.  Net result, what I call, crowd rage!

#4 Expectations

Christmas is a time of great expectations.  Expectation of exchange of presents. Expectations from people that  have not come together for a while.  Dealing with all these expectations can set up stresses that may be challenging to address

#5 Family Feuds

Where ever there is a lot of interaction as with Christmas, there is the potential for conflict.  Christmas is a time of family feuds as people who have not come together for a while are faced with the competing demands and expectations of others.

#6 Where to spend Christmas

Whether to spend Christmas at the parents, in-laws or out-laws(!) can also be stressful for many.  One thing though is be grateful as many actually spend Christmas alone and not by choice!

Christmas dinner can also be a time of stress.  What to cook, or having to eat someone’s cooking can surprisingly finds it’s way on the stress list.

##7 Reminders of bereavement

Christmas can be a hard time as many remember loved ones who are no longer around to share the Christmas joy and family traditions.  It can be a reminder of something that was once there but now permanently gone!

##8 Forgetting someone or being forgotten

Wake up Christmas morning, only to realise you did not send a Christmas card or buy a present for Auntie Sally.  And she always calls after dinner.  Or someone forgets to call you or send a card or perhaps these days, a text or social media greeting.  Then the mind starts conjuring up all kinds of things – did I offend them in the year, or how did it go the last time you saw them or spoke to them?  One word for all that – STRESSFUL!

Next time we will talk on dealing with stress at Christmas.

What has been your Christmas experiences? Please comment and share.

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