Things to Remember when you Make a Mistake

We all make mistakes. But how we handle them or view them can make a difference between whether we live in regret, pain and so on or whether they are instead stepping stones for our progress. Every mistake is to be learnt from.

When we make mistakes

The next time you make a mistake, remember these points:

##1. We are still ahead of the one who did not try or make an attempt no matter the number of mistakes we make

Thomas Edison is famously quoted as saying that he did not fail, he had just discovered other ways.

##2 If we do not learn from our mistakes, they become regrets

There are lessons in every mistake. We either learn from them or they become painful reminders or regrets.

It is so easy to judge others when we never make mistakes. This can lead to arrogance. Mistakes allows us to see from another perspective.

##3. It is better to make a mistake that make us humble than have an achievement that makes us proud or arrogant

We learn more from a mistake that humbles us than from an achievement that breads arrogance in us through pride.

##4 We must not cling to a mistake just because we spent a lot of time, effort and resources in it.

If you are driving to Paris and found yourself en route to Amsterdam, it would be foolish keeping to the wrong route in the hope that somehow you will get to your I tended destination.

The best thing would be to stop, turn around and reroute!

##5. Once we admit our mistakes, we can forgive ourselves

Whether we admit to others (if the mistake involves them) of admit to ourselves, we will do ourselves a massive favour.

The reason why we live in regret is because we have not accepted our mistakes. Owning up to our mistakes full on takes courage.

We married the wrong person, gave up the job, moved to the wrong place. All these are big life decisions.

And when we make mistakes in these areas, it takes courage. And this is where we need to forgive ourselves and allow the healing to take place.

Else, all we become is a bitter person full of regrets.

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