Want to Remain Successful – Keep Learning

We remain successful by continual learning.  Most people are by nature curious.  However with the passage of time most of us get set in our ways.  We avoid learning new tasks or concepts when faced with them rather than investing the time to master them. The 70’s generation have been through the most rapid changes in technology. Older generations are challenged to use the social media and technology in the limelight today.  My Mum is one of those who buck this trend by continuing to learn.  She makes herself familiar with new smartphones every  year.  She regular communicates with far flung relations on WhatsApp. Surprisingly she is good at video and image sharing.

A University of Texas study found that learning challenging skills keeps your mind sharp.  Adults who learned a demanding new task, such as digital photography, fared better on memory tests than control groups who spend time in less challenging pursuits such as sharing stories with others or watching movies.

Remain successful - Keep learning

High performing people know that continuous learning is essential, employing unique methods to get the best from mastering a new skill.  Here are a few tips for keeping successful by learning new skills.

1 Understand how you learn

It is important to know how you learn best so you can get the maximum benefit from it. Some of us learn by doing, other learn best by watching. Whatever is your best way to learn -identify this and use it!

2 Read Challenging material

Challenging material stretch your brain.  Consume material on challenging concepts that are unfamiliar. Have pen and paper ready as this is the best way to ensure you have a strong grasp of the concepts. Studies have shown handwritten notes give you a clearer grasp than keying in on your laptop on electronic notes.

3 Be uncomfortable with your current state

Persevering in learning new concepts is the best way to strengthen your brain’s connections. To remain successful you must continue learning concepts that are outside the ones you are used to.  You will never know all there is to know.  If you seek to learn new things you will always know more tomorrow than today

4 Receive instruction

Successful people expand their knowledge by consulting with subject -matter experts.  To expand your knowledge sign up to that online course or conference.  It’s never too late to get that advanced degree. Learning from the experts is a very effective use of your time.

Note I used the word RECEIVE rather than TAKE instruction.  We can take instruction without receiving it.

When we receive instruction or have a teachable spirit, it makes learning much more productive and useful in our lives.  Learn to be on the receiving end when it comes to learning.  Opening your mind to learn and be receptive.

It will go a long way in remaining successful.  After all there is no one who knows it all, no matter if you are the richest person on earth.  There is always a next level.  So keep learning and keep achieving!

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