10 Signs your Parents need Home Care

by 123 Home Care

It’s natural for people to age and grow old. Do you find your mom telling you the same stories repeatedly or your dad getting cranky for no reason? Whatever the case may be, you need to understand that your parents are growing old. Hence, it is critical you face these realities and provide the care and support they need. Here are 10 signs your parents need home care.

#1. Grubby Appearance: Your parents have started to keep poor personal hygiene, body odor and/or a grubby appearance. Chances are that they are having trouble maintaining basic personal hygiene.

#2. Difficulty In Sitting And Standing: Are your parents facing difficulty while standing up, sitting down and/or walking up or down the stairs? Chances are that they are growing old and need your assistance.

#3. Forgetfulness: Your parents have started to forget names and places, they also have started misplacing things. These are signs of general forgetfulness that show your parents need care.

#4. Falls: Unexpected and frequent falls are a warning sign that your parents need help. This indicates loss of balance which is a common sign of old age.

#5. Mood Swings: Frequent mood swings or sudden change in temper are signs of cognitive issues. You parents no longer enjoy an activity they loved doing in the past. This indicates they may need help or assistance.

#6. Missed Appointments: Forgetting tasks and missing appointments indicates loss of memory and time coordination. This needs to be addressed appropriately.

#7. Scratches and Dents on the car: Frequent scratches and dents or a pile of unpaid traffic tickets refer to troubled driving. This can be dangerous for them and others on the road.

#8. Missed Medication: Skipping or overtaking medication indicates trouble in remembering or following prescriptions. This poses a great risk as not taking the required medication or overtaking them may cause serious health issues.

#9. Spoiled Food: Spoiled or wasted food in the refrigerator indicates they are having trouble in remembering going to the grocer. This is leading to an unhealthy diet and definitely needs your attention.

#10. Lack Of Home Maintenance: You find your parents haven’t mowed the lawn or watered the plants recently. This refers to lack of strength or desire to keep their homes clean and tidy. This is another common warning sign indicating that they need help.

It can be tough witnessing your parents grow old. The hands that fed you now need help and care. It good to know that all it takes in helping your parents is a little surveillance and regular medical counseling. Check out this infographic shared by 123 HomeCare for more information.


Brandon Shamis has been a core part of 123homecares he is handling the role of operation head. 123 home cares is one of the best and most trusted non-medical home care companies we focus on delivering the highest quality of care in the easiest and most convenient way possible.
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