More Than Pressure: 5 Efficient Ways to Combat Corporate Stress

by Kobe Parker

Works and the business world have significantly changed in the past era. Not so long ago, we were living in what was mainly a manual economy where physical and hard labor was the tradition. However, today the average job for each person is rather less physical.

In this digital age, we frequently live in an economy where the strength of body isn’t nearly as necessary as experience, knowledge, and mental sharpness. But the problem is that our minds can’t keep up with the emotional demands that this more complicated business world puts on them.

With business owners, who commonly find it harder to manage their work and personal lives separate, this is mainly the case. The effects are the increasing degree of work-related stress and anxiety.

So how can you combat it?

Begin With Basics

Beating up stress in the business world should start with the basics.

When you’re feeling hungry, tired, or thirsty, the smallest things can seem to be upsetting.  If you haven’t had a glass of water for a couple of hours, then get yourself a drink.

Grab a healthy, light snack like fruit or nuts if you haven’t eaten in the past hours. If you’re still facing your computer for about 45 minutes, consider standing up and roam around your office and do some stretches.

Get a Reminder

Typically, people are becoming stressed in some areas of their life.  However, if you will take a moment to glance at the big picture, you would see that the majority of your life is going fine and well.

Grab a paper and pen and write a list of all the things that you are grateful for.  You will be amazed at how long the list will become.

Now put that list next to your coffee table or computer or to any spot where you can see it all day. Observe how fast your mood lifts and your perspective shifts.

Clean Your Work Environment

Your office atmosphere may affect how well you think. For instance, a haphazard desk will only encourage or trigger disorganized thoughts.

Consequently, you can’t think clearly when your work environment is disorganized. 

Just about a couple of minutes in organizing and cleaning your table will make a remarkable difference in how well can you think, also how you feel on top of things.

Have a Break

Research shows that employees are happier and more productive at work when they use their vacation time.  It should be a no surprise that the same works for managers and business owners.

Taking a break doesn’t usually mean going on a vacation.  Going out for a snack every day or taking time to eat in peace and silence or having a walk around the town without checking your messages and emails can do miracles for your level of stress.

Also, another good option is to designate one day every week to spend time outside the workplace with your loved ones.  Consider making a rule that you won’t take any work-related calls or involving in any business-related jobs during that day.

Briefly, you’re going to achieve any duties you have lined up more effectively after you have refreshed your mind and taken a pause from the daily work.

Build New Networks

If you feel that you don’t have someone you can turn to during work or in your spare time, it’s not too late to make new friends.

Think of meeting new people who have common interests with you.  Join a class or a club, or offer your time to others for help.

Being helpful to others is a great way to increase your social network, particularly those who are friendly which delivers immense entertainment and can help reduce the level of stress.


When stressors at work become too rampant, extreme stress can hinder your performance and productivity, affect your physical and emotional well-being, and influence your home life and relationships.  It can also come in between success and failure at work.

Always remember this!

Kobe Parker is a businessman and a health enthusiast who advocates proper fitness and lifestyle.  He loves to read and write pieces of articles to share his learning and knowledge with other people.  During his spare time, Kobe browses the internet sites like Ashe Morgan and some health-related sites to gather the latest information.

The views and opinions expressed in this post are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect all or some of our beliefs and policy.  Any links on this page do not necessarily mean they have been endorsed by Defying Mental Illness.

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