Adversity vs Virtue

By Tendayi Mahachi

The word virtue derives from the ancient Greek word, ‘arête’ which means excellence.

Upon exploring on what adversity is all about, I discovered that it’s the ignition of virtue. For example, a diamond will transit through a high pressure /temperature process to get that brilliant sparkling finish.

Adversity to some, may mean the absence of God. I will dare to shift that myth and tell you that adversity is a perfect indication that He is there.

Well…how can adversity reign freely in the presence of God? It cannot, it has to retreat. Hence a shift / a movement will take place. To the naked eye, this shift can be perceived as chaos and perhaps traumatic. It takes understanding and a complete surrender to God’s timing for you to be at peace during such times or seasons.

adversity vs virtue

I was sexually abused age 4 years. I was violated in such a manner that I can never fully understand. That adversity ignited me into the place called Christ my virtue. He is the reason I am alive and well today.

My mum often told me Tendayi se zita rako, meaning be thankful because that is what your name means.

She often spoke of my strength and tenacity to face things head on. What mum didn’t know was that I was a diamond under pressure. I never spoke out about the abuse for 34 years.

As far as I was aware I told the One who mattered, He who rescued me.

From the point I gave up my adversity to Christ as a young girl, I was able to live freely away from those who would prey on me.

God moved circumstances around in my life to keep me safe and whole not just physically but mentally too. The abuse took my voice away for many years; and I was comfortable within the walls of silence.

However, the day came when silence had to die; I found my voice and spoke out.

If adversity had knocked on someone else’s door, I would not been able to talk to you now.

God used the violence intended to kill my spirit to reveal me as His voice for the voiceless!

Whatever tried to destroy the inner you, will not conquer you. Christ is that place of refuge, strength and absolute transformation, you can rely on.

Since I began to speak against sexual abuse, I have been warned by those who would prefer I pretend sexual abuse is not happening.

In the African community, too much of it goes on behind closed doors. Many women and girls are out in plain sight with no support. Survivors are subjected to labelling and forced into silence.

Statistics show 1 in 3 girls are subject to sexual violence by the age of 18. I cannot be silent while knowing that a young girl is being violated somewhere.

The Holy Spirit reminds me each time I am discouraged, in Proverbs 31:8 – ‘speak out on behalf of the voiceless, and for the rights of all who are vulnerable.’

I choose to obey God’s voice and I have decided to pursue this cause of eliminating violence against girls alongside others who are working hard at it too.

Adversity has the ability to squeeze life out of you. Yes it does, but not in the way you may think. Life is squeezed out of you, so you may use that life to be a shining light to the world.

Adversity carries a message of hope. Stop and take a minute to yourself and read through the letters.

Adversity produced excellence in my life; it flexed my muscles to have stubborn faith. I discovered that I cannot die unless I give up my spirit. No one can break me unless I allow it!

I had my seasons of low self esteem, anxiety etc and distanced myself from everyone. I know all the effects of adversity, I have faced them all. I am still standing, 34 years after being violated and I am soaring higher!

I thank God for the adversity that came. I am a strong woman today, full of the virtues of Christ.

I had to face that adversity, so I may have empathy and be a positive force for the little ones God has trusted me with.

There is an African proverb that says ‘at the bottom of patience one finds heaven’.

I urge you to be kind to yourself and be patient with your recovery. You may never forget but you will overcome it.

Jesus said in John 16:33 – ‘’I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world’’

Tendayi can be reached at

Author Bio

Tendayi Mahachi is an inspirational writer; poet and women’s advocate. Born in Zimbabwe, she was abused at a very young age. In a society where women and children have no voice, Tendayi kept silent for many years. Today she is reaching out to many women all over the world and those who are vulnerable. A Christian writer and ardent speaker her work has been featured in several Christian magazines. Tendayi loves reading, classical music, creative arts and the outdoors in particular Dinton Pastures Country Park where she is filled with inspiration to write her poems. She currently lives in the UK with her new goldfish Louie

About The Author







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