why do we fear change?

Why do we dislike change?

why do we fear change?Change often takes people out of their comfort zone.
So why do we dislike change?

1. Comfort Zone Routine

They have settled in a routine and are settled down in their comfort zone. Habits have been formed. Breaking habits means breaking out of a set mould; for some this mould is concrete!

2. Fear of the unknown

Change can seem daunting. We get to trust our physical senses as we experience life. My experience of life has often led me to perform on autopilot mode on tasks I performed well in the past. I’m sure this has led to a deep reluctance to change certain habits with the passage of time.  A friend  used to tell me “If it ain’t broke, why fix it?”. Some us go so far as to be slaves of our past experiences

3. Laziness

Sometimes we know we are the only person with a particular vision or dream or talent. The world is waiting on us to unleash our potential, yet we can’t be bothered so to speak, to take up the time, zeal, effort, determination, persistence and tenacity that it entails to get it done.

God has put in EVERYONE something that only they can accomplish. It is often said the graveyard is the richest place.


It is full of buried dreams, aspirations and potentials that were never birthed.

4. Responsibility

Change takes responsibility. Thankfully, it took Moses who had grown up in Pharoah’s Palace  to take up such a mammoth task of getting people who were enslaved in their minds and bodies out of Egypt. His upbringing had spared him the slave mentality.

Sometimes we need someone or forced circumstances to give us a kick start. Some people have only ventured into businesses after they were sacked!

5. Fear of risks ahead or being in a worse situation

Worse, being out of control. Human beings like to be in control, particularly of their destiny. But there are two destinies, i.e. two choices every Christian has.

They can either lead their natural destiny, often determined by circumstances, environments, the family they were born in, maybe their talent and so on. Or, they can choose the path of their God given destiny that is only revealed to you when you become a Christian.

6. Culture

Slavery had become the culture of the children of Israel. After centuries, the taste of freedom was an unknown, a definite uncertainty. This was not the culture that God had in mind for His children. He took them round the wilderness forty years to ensure those with had the wrong mindset were not those that took the land He had promised

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