Category: General Mental Health

  • Live for Yourself, Not for Others

    Live for yourself. Your body is your right to be on this physical realm. No one else has a greater responsibility for taking care of it. Giving priority to building an effective foundation is essential for any structure to last. So is it with you. You can only give what you have inside you. Live…

  • How Does Your Sleep Pattern Affect Your Mental Health?

    How Does Your Sleep Pattern Affect Your Mental Health?

    By Ashley Lipman Sleep is one of the human body’s most required activities. It is as essential as breathing, drinking, and eating. During nightly rest, our bodies repair themselves, and our brains process information and consolidate memories. Sleeping poorly tends to lead to physical problems, including a weakened immune response. In terms of mental health,…

  • Head Impact and Mental illness

    Head Impact and Mental illness

    Head impact is an issue to be considered in mental illness. I recently heard on the radio that new guidance was being given to children playing football to avoid heading the ball. Traumatic brain injury is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in children. Click To Tweet Head impact is now a recurring theme…

  • 7 Simple steps to reduce Mental Stress In Self Quarantine

    7 Simple steps to reduce Mental Stress In Self Quarantine

    By Ronnie Deno In this article, we’ll discuss how to handle stress while under self-quarantine for Covid-19 and offer practical suggestions for boosting your mental health. Introduction Self-Quarantine is difficult even for those who generally handle mental stress well. Your regular life has been turned upside down, and you may have experienced a loss of…

  • Coronavirus – Once in Generation Pandemic

    Coronavirus – Once in Generation Pandemic

    The world is in a once a generation pandemic event with the Covid19 coronavirus. Our collective memory hardly lasts more than a generation. The Spanish flu we are all told is the closest to what the world is experiencing now. I am yet to establish for myself what ended the Spanish flu. What I am…

  • Does Mental health Affect your GPA?

    By Abby from GPA Calculator Let us talk GPA. That’s Grade point average for those uninitiated. GPA is very important to you dealing with college matters. This leads to us exploring the effect of your state of mental health on your performance – GPA being a key measure… More than half of students struggle with…