Category: General Mental Health

  • Screen Time Effects on Human Health

    By Rebecca Hill The topic of how digital screens affect us has been a subject for quite some time. More and more research has increasingly shown the widespread effect of screens on our health. In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics officially recommended that babies stay away from screens until they are 18 months of…

  • 6 Benefits of a Healthy Mind

    Neglect in mental health has expensive consequences not just for you but also your business.  Stress and stress related illnesses are one the most common reasons for absenteeism in the workplaces and businesses. There are benefits of a healthy mind both for us individually and for group interactions. 6 Benefits of a healthy mind Being…

  • 7 Lifestyle Factors that Can Affect Your Mental Health

    By Marcus Clarke Mind and body are so intertwined that the slightest imbalance in one can affect the other in significant ways. So too are mind and environment, mind and emotion and mind and socialisation. In fact, your lifestyle can impact upon your mental health in so many different ways, I thought it prudent and…

  • The Emotional Hangover! How Emotions affect us all

    By Elisabeth Peters If one consumes a lot of alcohol, our physical state of the next day is a clear reminder of a few too many drinks the night before.   What could come as a bit of a surprise is that we are not just experiencing a hangover after too much alcohol, new research has…

  • Mental Health – Means and Ways to be Emotionally Strong

    by Mental health is the raging issue in today’s ultra-modern society. As we advance technologically we are witnessing an increase in mental health problems. Advances in technology are supposed to improve the quality of our lives and make it better, but with the increasing growth of mental health issues recently we have to pause…

  • Resilience

    Resilience is a word I have heard a lot as in the past 6 months. Resilience is essential for well-being. One of the areas that is hard to detect the erosion of well-being is mental health.  On one side of the spectrum is someone who is capably dealing with a huge workload but their very strength…