Changing Habits For The Better

Changing habits for the better is a desire most of us have. Our habits can determine our success or failure. What we meditate /dwell upon soon become our words.  Our words soon become our actions.  Our actions soon become our habits.

Benjamin Franklin is quoted to have said “ Your net worth to the world is usually determined by what remains after your bad habits are subtracted from your good ones.” 

Success is determined by consistent positive achievements.

changing habits for the better

Our ability to make progress is based on focus .  When we can focus on one task at a time,  the rate of success increases exponentially.  In making and keeping priorities, it is essential to make sacrifices.

One of the major challenges  I faced when diagnosed with mental illness, was being easily distracted and inability to deal with unexpected changes in demand on my attention.    Forming the habits of establishing  priorities went a long way in aiding my recovery from mental illness. Of equal help was learning to avoid procrastination.

I believe the mentally ill more than anyone else require an environment of good news in order to recover.  The mind is the seat of the creative power God gave to every individual.  Strengthening the ability to deal with distractions in the mentally ill person is therefore paramount.  Walt Disney once said  “ The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing”.   

The following helped me very much in recovering from mental illness.

#1 A supportive environment

Where I was encouraged to focus only on those essential tasks that develop these new habits my improvement of health was remarkable.  Zoe never allowed reference to the past or errors.  Where they became apparent, she put the focus clearly back on recovery and improved performance.

#2  Journaling and Meditation

My experience was that when I established the habits of consistent study and meditation on the word of God,  I was put on course for consistently building new habits that were beneficial in  cancelling out old one.  The responsibilities of being part of a new church inspired me to develop daily journals which improved my communication and thinking.

#3 Thankfulness

Being thankful always regardless of my situation or circumstances helped me maintain a joyful attitude.  This helped me in  building the right attitude to handle what ultimately in the scheme of life event are temporary afflictions.

What has been your experience of changing habits? Please comment and share

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