Creating Peace of Mind for Yourself

Creating peace of mind for yourself is an important activity for a good quality of life. For progress to occur in your life, there must be peace of mind. Prosperity requires peace of mind.

creating peace of mind

Peace of prosperity is peace of mind. I have had the privilege of the passing company of leaders of various persuasions. One essential thing they all had in common was an eye on security of tenure. The level of peace of mind they had was a barometer of this.

Peace of mind comes with ordered thoughts.  Here are a few tips that have worked for me.


1 Practice effective breathing techniques

Taking shallow breathes through your nose boosts the oxygen supply to your brain. This improves your response time. When we are able to respond quickly to surprises our confidence increases. We maintain peace of mind.


2 Be conscious of the schedule of others

Unnecessary conflict affects our peace of mind. When we are mindful of the schedule of others we are more likely to achieve our objectives with them.


3 Celebrate your successes

There is no greater morale booster than being successful. Positive memories are enhanced when we celebrate our successes. We are driven by what we focus on. Success tends to breed even more success. Remind yourself how great you are!


4 Declutter your environment

Clutter has a way of bringing disorder to our thoughts. What we see  often affects our state of mind. Keeping a tidy workspace has improved my productivity. Removing clutter from our home was a major contribution Zoe made for my peace of mind. I had not been a very tidy person before we met. Having a clutter-free meant I had a standard to regularly keep to.


5 Manage interruptions to your attention space

The greater control you have to your interaction time the greater you have peace of mind.  We cannot control events that come our way but we can manage our response. Block out time for creativity. Set expectations for how others receive response from you.


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