When you have had enough… simple things to do straightaway…

Do you ever feel like that one more feather and you are about to crash?  Do ever feel you have just about got to the limit and one more phone call, one more email, one more thing and you might just scream?  Or just crawl under a bed never to emerge.

Well if you are at that point right now, here is a quick list of what you can do to ease that pressure instantly:


 ##1  Take a deep breathe.  Exhale and inhale slowly.  Often when we are anxious or stressed, we do not breathe properly.  Read this post on how breathing can improve your mental well being.

 ##2  Take a walk or walk away.  You may need to walk away from a particular situation, get a change of scenery and some fresh air!

 ##3  Listen to some music.  Your mind might be playing all sorts of videos and audios right now.  You need to re-focus your mind on something different.  Choose uplifting music or worship songs.  Music helped Chuck with his mental health.  You do not want to be playing the blues or some sad song…ppplease!

##4  Meditate!  Once you have stilled your mind with some uplifting music, get to meditation.  Meditation fills your mind with the right stuff.  Get some Bible verses, or some uplifting proclamations that you ruminate over.  Check out Chuck’s book series on Meditations and Confessions.  Or check out our Positive Affirmations page.  Begin to mutter the words.  As you do, the words will be driven into your spirit and still the storms.

##5  Be purposeful of what you see.  Now this point is deep…  You need to paint yourself the right picture.  What seems to be taking over your life right now, looks impossible.  Everything looks gigantic.  Everything looks difficult.  

Well by point 2, you should have walked away to a quiet place by now.  You should have been meditating.  In this quiet place, you should start seeing new pictures.  These are visions.  Refuse to see the wrong picture.  

See an ordered home instead of the chaotic one presented to you.  See the kids clean instead of on drugs.  

S-E-E!.  Draw it; Pin it up if you need.  You have to write your own movie!

##6  Be mindful of what you say.  It is oh so easy to start saying things that you will regret later.  It is better to keep quiet than say the wrong things either to yourself, about yourself, about your future (e.g. I wish I was dead!), or to someone else.  

##7  Speak the storms.  This follows on from the point above.   Calm the storms and waves raging in your heart.  Put your hand on your chest and say ‘Peace, be still‘.  Jesus calmed the waves by speaking to them.   Everything in nature can hear you, so learn to talk!  You will be surprised at how nature responds.  

##8   Talk to someone.  British Telecommunications (BT), a phone company in the UK, used to have as its slogan, it is good to talk.  Now, I am not saying just go talk to anyone.  Be selective.  Talk to someone that will encourage you.  

You don’t want the friends that say things like Yes, the same thing is happening to me, yet offer no comfort.  In fact, when you take one look at them, if you did not think it could get worse, just seeing them now tells you that it can!  

N-O!  You don’t want the negative friends that will tell you all the negative news and spare no details.

You want the friends that will encourage you.  That will pray with and/or for you.  That even if they have nothing to say, their presence offers you peace and comfort.

##9  Remind yourself of other things you have got through.  You got through storms that seemed like they would swallow you up.  See this time as another one of them.  If you are overwhelmed, see help coming.  See possibilities.  It is important what you see at this point.

10 Storms don’t last.  When the storm comes, when it just about gets too much, remember that even tornadoes do not last forever.  Keep reminding yourself.  

Repeat the steps above, till you know you can emerge from the storm rejuvenated.  Trust me, by the time you have gone through these steps by even the second time, you will feel a lot better.  

Have any tips of your own that you would like to share on mental or emotional well being?  Have you considered writing for us on our fast growing mental and emotional website?  It may be a one off or you may become a regular blogger.

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