Good Financial Management

It is pay day for many employees over the next few days.  Having good financial management habits can lower stresses in life, marriages, and even in life!

The Good book says to owe no man nothing except love.  Good financial management is key to a fulfilled life.  It is an indication of  our self-sufficiency and maturity.

Good Financial Management

Not making a purchase until the finances are available is a life skill that keeps us out of financial slavery.  We may live by grace which is the gift of God but we are required to meet our responsibilities.  Budgeting is an essential life skill for each and every one.

Making priorities and keeping to them is necessary for us to be good and effective managers of our finances.  It is a life-skill I believe should be taught everyone from a young age. For years I found that I was always being pulled by deals and apparent savings that could be made on lower priority items leading me to unwittingly sacrifice on higher priority ones.  It made me someone who was a prime target for a lot of marketing material.

Financial discipline is a key discipline in life.  Where our money goes show what we truly value whether it is apparent to us or not. Budgeting gives us the ability to be in the driving seat of our finances.  Security is at the base of our hierarchy of needs.  A  key factor is good financial management.

I have experienced that it is not so much the amounts of money available to us that is the key to our financial security, but the ability to use what is available effectively.  There is that feeling of elation when money becomes available for things that have either long been needed or desired that has made me open to sacrificing higher priority items for lower priority ones unwittingly.

Ability to stick to priorities is a challenge for most people challenged with mental illness.  I found that I was far more easily tempted to make purchases when challenged than now that I have recovered.

Good financial management cannot be divorced from accountability.  Third party involvement is actually key effective financial management.  Think about it- any load that is spread makes it easier for progress to be made in any endeavour.

If you ever find yourself in a position where you have borrowed and the creditors are calling for their money, the wisest thing is to pay with dignity.  We have to be aware that sacrifices are always involved.  The sacrifices that are made help us better prioritise our needs and responsibilities.

Time and access are highly related.  These things that are unique to each and every one of us.  We have all got to make these count as much as possible to have good success.

Please do not forget to share this post and help others keep out of debt!  Thank you


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