Mental illness and Terrorism?

On a recent flight back home, I read of the tragic multiple shooting in Orlando Florida on Saturday 11 June 2016.  This shooting has been the worst blood bath of its kind in US history.

The father of the terror attacker claims that his son did not act out of religious motives but rather out of homophobia.   His ex-wife then claimed he was bipolar.  So there are 3 things in question here – religion, homophobia, mental illness!

This all struck me as pandering to the mindset that mental illness made a sufferer unusually dangerous.  I know people challenged with bipolar disorder who would never contemplate the actions this young killer took.

Mental illness and terrorism
Does mental illness spell flashing lights?

While mental illness affects a person’s perception or their thinking, it does not  change their character.   That’s my view anyway.  It is actually offensive to suggest otherwise.

Furthermore, a planned, premeditated course of action spread over the time as was seen with in the Orlando shooting, could never have been driven by mental illness as his wife suggests.  What is more striking was the shooter’s need for the limelight  coupled with both his weapons of choice and his unfortunate targets.

I have heard of a mentally ill patient,an ex-serviceman killing hospital staff.  I would argue that the nature of his training is what was more an issue than the mental illness he was suffering from.  Did the nature of his training trigger something in his character?  In my view, I think lack of restraint in using his training, rather than the mental condition that drove him to do what he did.

Altered perception which is common with mental illness does not change our nature or character.  I do not believe altered perceptions change our response to situations especially killing.  Especially mass killing!  Someone with a heart disease is not going to become a killer if he is not predisposed in his nature to being one.  I think I could argue the same applies to mental illness.  That’s my view anyway.

Our heartfelt condolences go the families that have suffered losses in this latest outrage.

If you are in constant fear about your safety or the threat of terrorism, please go to Positive Affirmations & Prayers (Fear of Terrorism, For Safety).

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