• Would you date someone with mental illness?

    Well, what would you have done in my shoes? Would you date someone with mental illness? Mum had already liked Chuck just from the few things I had told her from the first two dates.   The voice on the other end of the phone was even and unperturbed; my ‘glass never half empty, never half…

  • What would you have done in my shoes?

    A friend of mine who had arranged the blind date told me that there were issues that he had to tell me.  It was imperative that he told me at some point, she said.  Sounded like if he did not tell me she would.  She had however painted an otherwise wonderful profile of my would…

  • 7 Warning Signs of Depression

    Many think of depression as just sadness or feeling low.  But is it?  And are there signs of depression? Nearly everyone has felt low at some time in their life and thankfully got over it eventually.  However clinical depression is more than just mere sadness.   Someone said, not because someone has had a cut means they understand an…

  • Feelings on a Psychiatric Ward

    by Mina I was recently admitted to a psychiatric ward for about ten days. My first response was disbelief.   It had been a year since my last admittance.  I had been well and bipolar disorder had not got the better of me.  So disappointment and disbelief were my initial emotions. I basically slept on…

  • Life on a Mental Health Ward: First few days

    We began a tale of mental wards the last time.  One never gets used to being in a mental/psychiatric hospital.  Every stay is a new experience.  It is also another detour in one’s desperate escape from the enemy of mental illness. All types of mental health ailments are represented in the ward with people at various stages…

  • Depression: RIP Robin Williams

    Today the world mourns the sudden death of comic, Robin Williams.  A brilliant actor that made many laugh.  We hear he has ‘died by suicide and had been suffering from severe depression.  It shows the ironic cruel twist of depression – how a person can make others laugh whilst inside they are crying themselves.  What a devastating blow for…

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