Power of a focused mind

I just read a piece on “The happiest people don’t let their mind wander”. This is based on a recent Harvard study.

power of a focused mind


The Havard study concluded from the available evidence that stray thoughts and wandering minds are directly related to unhappiness.  Those with constantly wandering minds were less likely to be happy than those able to focus on the tasks at hand.

The unruly mind creates sadness and dysfunction. The key to happiness is in what your mind focuses on, rather than the information your mind is receiving.

What is most startling about the findings is – unhappiness does not just come from the mind wandering unto unpleasant things.  The findings were that those whose minds wandered to neutral or even pleasant thoughts are still less happy than if their minds did not wander at all.

Participants were asked to focus on a given activity.  Even when the activity was some hum-drum chore, participants were happier if their minds were fully there, focused in the moment.

The conclusion is that when the mind wanders repeatedly it drastically reduces our overall happiness and wellbeing.  Many of us find our minds wandering continually at different times of the day from the task at hand.

Singular focus on the task at hand means that you are not distracted in every circumstance.  Presence of mind ensures that you enjoy the full benefits of what you are focused on.

The fashion today is to call this mindfulness. However, the thread of ensuring that you show presence of mind in your activities is ageless.  Battles have been won against superior forces by  diverting their focus from critical activities.

Anxiety can make you lose focus. So can subtle questions or pleasant distractions.  The net result being that not all your attention (resources) are on the task at hand.  Project managers have a term for the resulting situation – scope creep.

A  focused mind does give the following benefits:

#1  A Happier You

You are happiest when you do not regard anything other than what you have set out to do.

#2  Productivity

You are never more productive than when you have a focused mind.  That is why we all set aside times where we cannot be distracted to complete important tasks.

#3  Energy

Focus generates energy.  With a focused mind your creativity is enhanced. Your imagination is chanelled to creative energy.

#4  Sharpness

If you focus light on a point, it concentrates energy.  When you focus your mind on the task at hand it produces sharpness of purpose.

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