Tag: Zoe Onah

  • Quote of the week – The Healer

    Time dulls the pain It is often said that time is a healer.  There are some things that even with the passage of time, never heals.  How does time heal abuse?  How does time heal even grief? Often not.  Sometimes a trigger is all it takes to bring up the pain again, and you find…

  • God is the Perfect Matchmaker

    Every day this week, we have been blogging on love and in particular love and mental illness. Love or hate Valentine’s Day (which is today), remember God is the perfect Matchmaker.  He brought Chuck and I together even with the skeletons in Chuck’s closet!   In the end, Chuck and I proved that mental illness…

  • Dating and Mental Illness – Finding Love

    Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day and for some a day where many feel depressed.  Do you feel that you are missing out on love?  That while others will be dining in candle lit restaurants gazing into each other’s eyes, you are at home with your cat? Don’t despair! Even with mental illness, happy courtships/dating are still a reality and a possibility. …

  • Dating while challenged with Mental Illness

    Mental Illness and Dating Those challenged with mental illness can often feel inhibited when it comes to dating/courting.   (We will use the term dating and courting interchangeably and not get into the technicalities of the differences).   Is there anything like  mental illness and dating? Those challenged with mental illness fear rejection once the other party learn their…

  • 6 Simple Ways To Open Up To Your Date About Mental Illness

    #1  Be honest Don’t hold back or be economical with the truth.  Telling someone you are challenged with depression is very different from it’s schizophrenia.  Even if one disease sounds worse than the other, don’t create your own self stigmas. Chuck was honest with me.  Though he did not know the diagnosis, he was plain.…

  • Mental Illness and Leadership

    Mental Illness affects leaders too! Yes, many may not want to admit this but mental illness affects anyone even leaders. Challenges and trials come without warnings.  Sickness may try to attack your body.  And mental illness may be one of them… Perhaps you are a leader challenged with mental illness or perhaps a leader that has a…