30 Things You Should Look Forward to in 2016

It has been an eventful year in 2015.   Interest in our website took off at an exponential rate as many guest bloggers got on the team.  2015 is now coming to an end. What are the things you are looking forward to?

30 things to look forward to

It is a good time to list your expectations about the new year especially in keeping good mental health.  Here is a list to get you going:

#1   Stopping the negative talk.  Try as you may but remember your life goes where your mouth goes.  So watch what you say this year and the rest of everything will follow.  It is the year to mind what you say especially about yourself.

#2  Letting go of negative people who drain you all the time!  Negative people do impact your self esteem.  Negative people too often have a PROBLEM for every SOLUTION.

#3   Making new friends that encourage and support.  Friends that see the best in you and help you overcome your weaknesses.

#4   You think you cannot but trust me, you can…set up a blog to create more positive mental illness awareness, dispel the myths and stigma of mental illness and/or

#5   Being a guest blogger for us at Defying Mental Illness  and/or

#6   Sharing your story on Defying Mental Illness.  Take it from us, we like inspiring stories that show that there is always hope in life especially with mental illness.

#7   Letting go of addictions

#8   Getting rid of debt.  Having done that, it is time to start saving money wisely

#9   Setting up a new business.  Yes you can!

#10 Making wise decisions

#11 Creating suicide awareness

#12 Enlisting a mentor and a coach

#13 Take a lead on you mental health.  Get mental health support

#14 Getting rid of clutter.  Time to rid yourself of junk at home, in the office, garage, shed, den.  A clearer atmosphere is good for your mental outlook.

#15 Praying and meditating more

#16 Being a mental health advocate

#17 Finding a quality mental health counselor

#18 Loving and be loved

#19 Cultivating better relationships.  Understand your kids better, become a better spouse, a more patient caregiver (or when that runs dry, as Zoe always says… be a ‘long-suffering’ caregiver) and so on.

#20  Letting go of anger

#21  The year 2016 is no longer the year of regrets.  Say good-bye to ‘what ifs’, ‘if only’, ‘i wish I had’.  Close the door on that old tormentor called R-E-G-R-E-T.

#22 Getting a good, safe spray tan

#23  Listening to good music that uplifts

#24  Developing good eating habits

#25  Ensuring you breath properly for your well being

#26 Working on your stress levels.  You are too blessed to be stressed!  Read this post on the surprising benefits of resting and relaxing.

#27  Evicting the green eye monster.  Jealousy just adds to stress and drains you.  Forget jealousy and envy.

#28 Do not scorn members in your church who are challenged with mental illness.

#29 Being more accountable.  In 2016, be more accountable to one another.  It is a way of not taking your journey alone.

#30  And finally make sure you enjoy 2016.

Do you have anything you would like to add to this list?  Please comment below or on any of our social media.  Have a great 2016.

About The Author

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