15 Ways You Can Improve Your Mental Wellbeing at Work

by Leila Jones

Being stuck in an office for eight hours of the day isn’t always the best way to look after your mental wellbeing, let’s be honest.  

It can be super easy to fall into bad habits such as eating lunch at your desk, only speaking to another human through the computer screen, then heading home to collapse in front of the TV.   Then you wake up and do it all again tomorrow!

Sounds depressing doesn’t it? Working 9-5 (as Dolly would say) doesn’t have to be like that.

Here’s how to improve your mental wellbeing while you are at work

#1  Work sensible hours

Unless you are getting paid to do overtime, stop doing it!   It can be tempting to say ‘oh I’ll stay a few more hours just to get this done’ but when you’re saying it on a regular basis, it can really take its toll on you.

The first step to looking after yourself, is ensuring that you leave the office at the time you are supposed to, every day, without fail.

#2  Take your full lunch break

Again, it can be easy to think ‘I’ll work through my lunch today’ or ‘I’ll just take 10 minutes because I have a deadline this afternoon’ but this won’t help your stress levels.

Whether you get half an hour or an hour for your lunch, take it!  Use the time to unwind before the afternoon – read a chapter of a book, catch up on your favourite soap or talk to a friend.

#3  Rest after being busy

If you’ve had a packed Monday morning, with back to back meetings and emails galore, it’s important to take the time to rest before you tackle the next part of the day.   This could be as simple as taking a coffee break.  The time away from working will help your mind prepare for the rest of the day.

#4  Avoid working from home at the weekends

The weekend should be your time, not your employers. If you leave the office with a list of things to do on a Friday, and the first thing you do on a Saturday is switch your laptop on, this isn’t healthy!  Work is for work, so leave it there and start afresh on Monday.

#5  Take your full holiday entitlement

However generous or not-so-generous your holiday entitlement may be, make sure you take it all. You could go on a weekend mini-break to a nearby city if you are unable to take a full vacation.

The time away from work will help you reset, so when you return to work, your mind is ready to get in the zone and be more productive.

#6  Keep active

There’s no denying that the office lifestyle can be very sedentary.   You can counteract this by staying as active as possible.  

Head to a morning spin class, walk to work, unwind with stretching exercise after a busy day, or just take a quick stroll on your lunch break.   Your physical and mental wellbeing will thank you for it.

#7  Learn new skills

Learning new skills in the workplace not only helps to boost your CV (resume), but it also gives you a great sense of achievement.   It doesn’t have to be something drastic; you could just finally get your head around those Microsoft Excel formulas or learn how to code on WordPress.

#8  Add a plant to your workspace

A small leafy green plant on your desk can give you a feeling of wellness, and the responsibility of taking care of it will make you feel good about yourself. You should avoid flowers with a strong scent and cacti, which can give you the opposite of a sense of relaxation!

#9  Display personal items

Personal items on your desk can help you feel comfortable, but you should aim for no more than 3-4 items, as any more will clutter your desk and leave you feeling stressed.

Think about a family photo, graduation diploma or a souvenir from your favourite vacation – anything that makes you feel good and brings back happy memories.

#10  Use aromatherapy

Studies have shown that citrus scents can improve your thinking and stimulate your memory.  However, you should avoid things like candles with a strong scent, and opt for a reed diffuser or pot pourri which is much more subtle.

#11   Stop eating at your desk

It’s so easy to just eat at your desk, particularly if you are busy.   It’s much better for your wellbeing if you have a dedicated area away from your workspace where you can go to.

In the summer, you should take advantage of the weather and sit outside for optimum benefits!  Stepping away from your desk for lunch helps your brain relax for the afternoon ahead.   Bonus points, if you can use this time to socialise with colleagues.

#12  Take note of your posture

It’s already not great to be sat down all day, but it’s even worse if you spend the day slouching or hunched over the desk.   If you make the effort to sit tall, it will give you a feeling of accomplishment and it’s much better for your wellbeing.

#13  Listen to music

Music is one of the best ways to relieve stress, but it’s important to listen to the right kind of music.   Tunes with a lot of beats and things to concentrate on will be distracting and may heighten your stress levels, so try to go for easy music.  This will prevent your mind from wandering away from your work, slow your heart rate down and lower your blood pressure.

#14  Talk

If you spend the majority of your day communicating through email, this isn’t great for your wellbeing.   Instead of emailing a colleague, why not walk over to their desk and chat to them?   A positive conversation will lift your spirits and you might even make a new friend.

#15  Adjust your lighting

If you can, try to sit near a window as being exposed to natural light will help to keep your stress levels down.   A 2013 study by Northwestern University said that people who have windows in their office are more physically active and have better sleep than those who don’t.  So it is more than worthwhile if you can move your desk to a window!

If you can’t, consider the tone of your lighting.  Cool lighting works better for hardcore analytical environments where you have to do a lot of thinking, whereas warmer lighting is better for socialising with colleagues.

If you are having issues with eyestrain from using your computer, a desk lamp can help counteract this.


You should make it a priority to look after your wellbeing at work.   After all, your health is much more important than that 4 pm deadline or morning meeting with your boss.

Looking after yourself will improve productivity, making you a more valued employee in the long run.  

If your workplace doesn’t have a mental health strategy in place, consider asking senior management about implementing one. Creating an open and welcoming culture where mental health can be discussed makes a better workplace!

Leila Jones is a content writer for Home2Office. Leila enjoys spinning classes, Pilates and walks with her Hungarian Puli cross, Winnie. She is a Public Relations graduate from Sheffield Hallam University in the UK and loves social media, blogging and travelling.

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