The Best Mental Health Blog Posts of 2015

2015 has been an interesting year.  We have been inspired by our subscribers, followers, mental health professionals and our guest bloggers.  We have had a good mix of interesting topics and we would like to say a big THANK YOU to you everyone.

The best blogs of 2015

Please be sure to read some of the topics from our guest bloggers and mental health professionals.  You will DEFINITELY be propelled, motivated, inspired, encouraged and most of all, you will propelled in the direction of defying mental illness and living a productive life.

Here are just a few to keep you going.  In the New Year, we will bring to the fore some of the others not mentioned below.  We do not want you to miss out on any of great gems that were posted on our site in 2015.

Stewart Bint,  our exciting and inspiring mental health advocate shared his inspirational story on emerging from the very edge of the very brink of suicide.  Today, Stewart is an author and one of the greatest encouragers you can meet in the mental advocacy world!  Stewart also writes passionately about cyber bullying, which today is a big issue for many.  Everyone must read that post as it will show you how to spot the perpetrators and avoid their claws.   There are more inspiring posts from Stewart and we look forward to receiving more gems from him in the new year!

Didn’t we just love Margaret’s post on stigma and mental health?    Margaret story Stigma drove me to a career in Mental Health will give you hope.  Imagine for Margaret overcoming dealing with all her brothers challenged with mental illness, in particular, schizophrenia.  Dealing with the stigma of that, fearing that you are next, and then to top it all, having to deal with the suicide of her father?  Unimaginable but true story.  A must read!

We also loved Matthew’s posts.  Now Matthew is someone who has been through caring for someone who is challenged with mental illness.  How do you deal with the isolation of being a caregiver?   What are the emotions one often feels as one?   Matthew is really passionate about advocacy as a caregiver and he is someone that is worth listening to. You will not be disappointed.

We were also blessed and encouraged by wonderful articles from our mental health professionals.  Dr Leah took us through how to take the lead on our mental health.  For example, is the system for you or against you, and what do you do?  If you want to stay on top and be the one taking back control of your life then make sure you do read and digest her post.  Also Dr Leah dealt with suicide prevention awareness.  Suicide is a difficult topic to discuss but Dr Leah throws light on how to recognise the signs here .  Do you have any questions for Dr Leah?  Be sure to post them on our contact page.

There are around 700,000 people in the UK with autism – that’s more than 1 in 100.   With 63 % of children with autism not in the kind of school their parents believe would best support them,  how do you give your child the support they need?  You do not need to troll the internet to find the answer because we have got the experts telling us here in this informative article.   Be sure to read and share!

Thank you for all your support in 2015.  As we said earlier, we will bring you more in the coming weeks.  We appreciate all your shares, retweets, likes and comments.  We can do more in 2016, and we would love to hear from you too if you have something inspiring that will be a blessing to someone.  Let’s defy the stigma of mental illness in 2016 and let’s defy being a victim of mental illness, and living a productive life.

Can we?  Yes, we can!

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