By Tonya King

Do you ever find yourself looking in the mirror and saying that you are ugly, or overweight, or less than?  Do you compare yourself to those images sent to us through the media?  I have on many occasions and when I do, I find myself not measuring up.  I see the wrinkles and the gray hair and the poochy belly and think I am just a mess.


Have you shared in this with me?  And then comes the self-degrading inner talk about my Bi polar.

Questions in my mind such as “how anyone can love me, I am such a mental mess most of the time?” or “I don’t deserve to be loved because of all the things I have done in my past that can be directly attributed to my illness?”

These thoughts and feelings are nothing more than attacks from the enemy of our soul.

Satan would love it if we, as believers, were anemic and weak.  His attacks are geared towards our weakest part of ourselves which is our minds since we suffer from mental illness.

If Satan can get our minds off God and onto ourselves then he has an opportunity to render us useless for the kingdom of God.

Once we begin to believe the lies he is whispering to us, then we get our focus on our “less than’s” and off who we are in Christ. This is Satan’s plan.

But God has a different plan.  God see’s us as beautiful.  We are not our illness, or our weight, or our shortcomings. We are princesses and princes. We are deeply loved and cherished by our Heavenly Father.

We do Him a great disservice by seeing what He created in His own image as ugly.  Our person reflects who God is.  We are created to bring glory to God.

How can we worship Him in spirit and in truth if we cannot see the truth about ourselves that God so explicitly states in His word?  We must start to see ourselves as God sees us.

We are sacred, made righteous through the blood of Christ. When we begin to see ourselves through the eyes of Jesus we can change our perspective.

Once we change or perspective, we can begin to live in the will of God and we can then gain the strength and knowledge to make the devil shudder every time our feet hit the floor.

Begin to see yourself as beautiful, both inside and out.  You are not your mistakes, and you are not to believe the lies of the enemy. Start searching the Word of God and find out who you truly are and what your purpose is.

Live as God sees you… beautiful, strong, passionate and sacred.  You are His!

About The Author

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