The Power of Asking for Help

The power of asking for help is often underestimated. Many are uncomfortable asking for help. A major reason for this is feelings of vulnerability.
the power of asking for help
The power of asking for help was demonstrated in my full and certified recovery from long-term mental illness. Granted it was from Zoe, who is now my wife. However, in many cases, we are reluctant to ask for help from those who are constantly in our company.

When my relationship with Zoe started I was not inhibited in letting her know about my life challenges. Although not a direct request for help, this opened up avenues for her to offer help. Not only that, she got to monitor its application.  When I applied the help she offered she was even greater motivated to offer more as we saw the positive results.

Asking for help can help develop you and get you out of sticky situations.  It opens up avenues of activities that would not have been there otherwise. Provided you are focused on your goal, you can quickly assess what is useful to you.

Someone once said “Why go on a journey alone when you can invite others along?” That’s a motto now close to my heart.

Zoe is multi-talented with an excellent spirit. She is hot on quality control.  As a result she found herself overstretched when she was establishing the regular magazine at church.  While she motivated writers to contribute, getting the  commitment to editorial quality was a challenge.  It was only when she sought help with handling this aspect of work and trusted others with it that she could move on to other things.

Today, the quality of the magazine  is as high as when she was involved.  She had grown the department and moved on.  The seeds she sowed into that enterprise are still recognised today.

 Do you have tips on effectively asking for help? We love to hear them – give us a bell on Twitter

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