16 Easy Ways to Treat Yourself and Feel instantly better

Sometimes, we are just plain mean to ourselves.

I don’t think we mean to be, but somehow it ends up that way. Even at times, we may not like ourselves.

We find it easier to extend a helping hand to others or to even be more forgiving towards others, but when it comes to us, we are not so gracious.
The result is that we end up sad. If we do not get a hold of it and deal with it, we may even end up depressed.


There may be valid reasons why you feel that way.

It could be that we did something a while back that we now bitterly regret. That mistake has had a serious impact on our lives.

You married the wrong person. You left a great job. You dropped out of college. And on and on the list goes.

All you have is a daily dose of regret as bread to eat. But life does not need to be that way. It is never the end until you say it is the end.

See the 16 tips above. Pin it up on your vision board, on your mirror, on your fridge to remind you to be kind to you!

Lets take a look at a few points on the list

(Most are self-explanatory or we have dealt with them previously).

Give yourself a chance. Forgive yourself.

We have a great blog on handling mistakes. It may be a good idea to read that blog now as it would help you.

One of the points on that particular blog that will help you is this – Mistakes are part of greatness. Indeed.

Don’t always see mistakes as an enemy. You seriously need to give yourself a chance.

Have laughing sessions

So many people seem angry these days.

Anger saps your energy.

Don’t wait for someone to make you laugh. Don’t wait to put on a comedy video.

Learn to laugh. Make it part of your daily routine. Just start laughing until your spirit catches the spirit of laughter. It would brighten your day.

Laughter is good medicine. So close your door, relax and just start laughing.

Write us and let us know how much better mentally and physically you will feel after daily dosages of this over time!

Stop jumping to conclusions

It is so easy to jump to conclusions. Especially about others. Why not be gracious and just give the benefit of the doubt?

Why not make an excuse for the person rather than jump to some conclusion that will make you so miserable and down.

Someone did not show up, why think that the person is disrespectful, does not like you or just being mean, for example.

Why not think that maybe they are stuck in traffic, or something came up, or they may have forgotten, or even that this is an area in their life they need help on!
I have a friend who is always late. My being angry never helped.

In fact, one of her birthdays I thought I would get even by turning up late. Guess what, she was angry!

She thought I was vindictive! Yep! She was always late for mine.

However from her point of view, this was an area she was having great difficulty. My birthday was not the only thing she turned up late for.

Work, flights, you name it, she always came late. So, jumping to the conclusion that she was not making an effort was not fair on her cause she genuinely had an issue with being on time!

See the best in others

This kind of follows from others.

Even the meanest person has to have one good thing in them. Why not find that good thing than concentrate on that terrible thing.

You don’t have to associate with everyone.

But even those you choose not to associate with, instead of your blood boiling every time their name flashes, why not replace that with something good they may have done, albeit it may have been centuries ago.

You will feel a whole lot brighter when you do.

Like you

You may love yourself, but do you like YOU? Think about it.

Some people do not have issues loving themselves, e.g. they would take care of themselves physically so they are not discomforted, but if they really thought about it they don’t like themselves.

They would never consider being friends with someone who was exactly like them!

Not liking yourself is what leads to low self esteem. You are really worth it.

Christians believe Jesus died for everyone, thereby taking our place. It was a heavy price. So that’s another reason for liking you!

As L’Oreal would say ‘I am worth it’s. Believe it cause you truly are!

Why not print out the graphic on this page and pin somewhere it can remind you? Or share on your Pinterest board.

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